A DNS study of ignition characteristics of a lean PRF/air mixture with CH2O and H2O2 addition under HCCI combustion-relevant conditions JH Kim, GH Yu, SH Chung, CS Yoo Combustion and Flame 234, 111654, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
A DNS study of ignition characteristics of lean NH3/H2/air mixtures under HCCI combustion conditions Y Hou, GH Yu, JH Kim, SH Chung, CS Yoo The Combustion Institute, 2022 | | 2022 |
A LES study of the effects of ambient gaseous fuel on n-dodecane spray in dual-fuel combustion JH Kim, JM Lee, Y Hou, SH Chung, CS Yoo Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), 2021 | | 2021 |
Chemical explosive mode analysis for the ignition of a lean NH3/H2/air mixture under HCCI condition Y Hou, GH Yu, JH Kim, SH Chung, CS Yoo 한국연소학회, 2021 | | 2021 |
Large eddy simulation of n-dodecane spray flame analysis: A comparative study of single and dual fuel JM Lee, JH Kim, SH Chung, CS Yoo KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 108-110, 2021 | | 2021 |
A numerical study of advanced combustion engines with low-temperature combustion (LTC) using DNS, LES, and RANS JH Kim Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 2021 | | 2021 |
DNSs of a temporally-evolving twin n-heptane jet under RCCI conditions GH Yu, JH Kim, SH Chung, CS Yoo KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 27-29, 2020 | | 2020 |
A numerical study of the dual-fuel engine with multi-criterion adaptive mesh refinement using OpenFOAM Y Hou, JH Kim, CS Yoo KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 48-50, 2020 | | 2020 |
DNSs of the effects of low reactivity fuel injection strategies on lean PRF/air/EGR mixtures combustion characteristics under direct duel fuel stratification (DDFS) conditions JH Kim, GH Yu, SH Chung, CS Yoo KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 20-22, 2020 | | 2020 |
A DNS study of CH2O and H2O2 effect on the ignition of lean PRF/air mixtures under HCCI conditions JH Kim, GH Yu, MB Luong, SH Chung, CS Yoo Combustion Institute, 2019 | | 2019 |
A DNS study of the effect of split injection on the ignition of a lean PRF/air mixtures under DDFS conditions JH Kim, GH Yu, SH Chung, CS Yoo 한국연소학회, 2018 | | 2018 |
A DNS Study of the Effects of CH2O and H2O2 Addition on the Ignition of a Lean PRF/air Mixture under HCCI Conditions JH Kim, CS Yoo, GH Yu, MB Luong, SH Chung The combustion institute, 2018 | | 2018 |
DNSs Study of the Effect of Additives on Cool and Thermal Flame of Lean PRF/Air Mixture under HCCI Conditions JH Kim, GH Yu, MB Luong, SH Chung, CS Yoo 한국연소학회, 2017 | | 2017 |
HCCI 조건에서의 희박 PRF/공기 혼합물의 냉염과 열염에 대한 첨가제의 효과에 관한 직접수치모사 JH Kim, GH Yu, MB Luong, SH Chung, CS Yoo | | |