JongHak Kim
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Cited by
A DNS study of ignition characteristics of a lean PRF/air mixture with CH2O and H2O2 addition under HCCI combustion-relevant conditions
JH Kim, GH Yu, SH Chung, CS Yoo
Combustion and Flame 234, 111654, 2021
A DNS study of ignition characteristics of lean NH3/H2/air mixtures under HCCI combustion conditions
Y Hou, GH Yu, JH Kim, SH Chung, CS Yoo
The Combustion Institute, 2022
A LES study of the effects of ambient gaseous fuel on n-dodecane spray in dual-fuel combustion
JH Kim, JM Lee, Y Hou, SH Chung, CS Yoo
Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), 2021
Chemical explosive mode analysis for the ignition of a lean NH3/H2/air mixture under HCCI condition
Y Hou, GH Yu, JH Kim, SH Chung, CS Yoo
한국연소학회, 2021
Large eddy simulation of n-dodecane spray flame analysis: A comparative study of single and dual fuel
JM Lee, JH Kim, SH Chung, CS Yoo
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 108-110, 2021
A numerical study of advanced combustion engines with low-temperature combustion (LTC) using DNS, LES, and RANS
JH Kim
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 2021
DNSs of a temporally-evolving twin n-heptane jet under RCCI conditions
GH Yu, JH Kim, SH Chung, CS Yoo
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 27-29, 2020
A numerical study of the dual-fuel engine with multi-criterion adaptive mesh refinement using OpenFOAM
Y Hou, JH Kim, CS Yoo
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 48-50, 2020
DNSs of the effects of low reactivity fuel injection strategies on lean PRF/air/EGR mixtures combustion characteristics under direct duel fuel stratification (DDFS) conditions
JH Kim, GH Yu, SH Chung, CS Yoo
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 20-22, 2020
A DNS study of CH2O and H2O2 effect on the ignition of lean PRF/air mixtures under HCCI conditions
JH Kim, GH Yu, MB Luong, SH Chung, CS Yoo
Combustion Institute, 2019
A DNS study of the effect of split injection on the ignition of a lean PRF/air mixtures under DDFS conditions
JH Kim, GH Yu, SH Chung, CS Yoo
한국연소학회, 2018
A DNS Study of the Effects of CH2O and H2O2 Addition on the Ignition of a Lean PRF/air Mixture under HCCI Conditions
JH Kim, CS Yoo, GH Yu, MB Luong, SH Chung
The combustion institute, 2018
DNSs Study of the Effect of Additives on Cool and Thermal Flame of Lean PRF/Air Mixture under HCCI Conditions
JH Kim, GH Yu, MB Luong, SH Chung, CS Yoo
한국연소학회, 2017
HCCI 조건에서의 희박 PRF/공기 혼합물의 냉염과 열염에 대한 첨가제의 효과에 관한 직접수치모사
JH Kim, GH Yu, MB Luong, SH Chung, CS Yoo
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Articles 1–14