Martin Schimmel
Martin Schimmel
Geosciences Barcelona, GEO3BCN-CSIC, Spain. (ORCID:0000-0003-2601-4462, ROR 01nsd7y51)
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Noise reduction and detection of weak, coherent signals through phase-weighted stacks
M Schimmel, H Paulssen
Geophysical Journal International 130 (2), 497-505, 1997
Ocean wave sources of seismic noise
F Ardhuin, E Stutzmann, M Schimmel, A Mangeney
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C9), 2011
The seismicity of Mars
D Giardini, P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, WT Pike, U Christensen, S Ceylan, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 205-212, 2020
Using instantaneous phase coherence for signal extraction from ambient noise data at a local to a global scale
M Schimmel, E Stutzmann, J Gallart
Geophysical Journal International 184 (1), 494-506, 2011
Constraints on the shallow elastic and anelastic structure of Mars from InSight seismic data
P Lognonné, WB Banerdt, WT Pike, D Giardini, U Christensen, RF Garcia, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (3), 213-220, 2020
Seismic detection of the martian core
SC Stähler, A Khan, WB Banerdt, P Lognonné, D Giardini, S Ceylan, ...
Science 373 (6553), 443-448, 2021
Thickness and structure of the Martian crust from InSight seismic data
B Knapmeyer-Endrun, MP Panning, F Bissig, R Joshi, A Khan, D Kim, ...
Science 373 (6553), 438-443, 2021
The -Transform From a Wavelet Point of View
S Ventosa, C Simon, M Schimmel, JJ Dañobeitia, A Mànuel
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 56 (7), 2771-2780, 2008
Global climate imprint on seismic noise
E Stutzmann, M Schimmel, G Patau, A Maggi
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10 (11), 2009
Frequency‐dependent phase coherence for noise suppression in seismic array data
M Schimmel, J Gallart
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 112 (B4), 2007
The inverse S-transform in filters with time-frequency localization
M Schimmel, J Gallart
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 53 (11), 4417-4422, 2005
Phase cross-correlations: Design, comparisons, and applications
M Schimmel
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 89 (5), 1366-1378, 1999
Modelling long-term seismic noise in various environments
E Stutzmann, F Ardhuin, M Schimmel, A Mangeney, G Patau
Geophysical Journal International 191 (2), 707-722, 2012
Intraplate seismicity in SE Brazil: stress concentration in lithospheric thin spots
M Assumpçao, M Schimmel, C Escalante, J Roberto Barbosa, M Rocha, ...
Geophysical Journal International 159 (1), 390-399, 2004
Polarized Earth's ambient microseismic noise
M Schimmel, E Stutzmann, F Ardhuin, J Gallart
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (7), 2011
Modelling secondary microseismic noise by normal mode summation
L Gualtieri, E Stutzmann, Y Capdeville, F Ardhuin, M Schimmel, ...
Geophysical Journal International 193 (3), 1732-1745, 2013
Upper-mantle seismic structure beneath SE and Central Brazil from P- and S-wave regional traveltime tomography
MP Rocha, M Schimmel, M Assumpçao
Geophysical Journal International 184 (1), 268-286, 2011
The deep seismic reflection MARCONI-3 profile: Role of extensional Mesozoic structure during the Pyrenean contractional deformation at the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay
O Ferrer, E Roca, B Benjumea, JA Muñoz, N Ellouz, Marconi Team
Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (8), 714-730, 2008
The S-Transform and Its Inverses: Side Effects of Discretizing and Filtering
C Simon, S Ventosa, M Schimmel, A Heldring, JJ Dañobeitia, J Gallart, ...
IEEE transactions on signal processing 55 (10), 4928-4937, 2007
Seismic velocity anomalies beneath SE Brazil from P and S wave travel time inversions
M Schimmel, M Assumpçao, JC VanDecar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B4), 2003
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