Peter Metaxas
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Cited by
Creep and flow regimes of magnetic domain-wall motion in ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt films with perpendicular anisotropy
PJ Metaxas, JP Jamet, A Mougin, M Cormier, J Ferré, V Baltz, B Rodmacq, ...
Physical review letters 99 (21), 217208, 2007
Domain wall mobility, stability and Walker breakdown in magnetic nanowires
A Mougin, M Cormier, JP Adam, PJ Metaxas, J Ferré
Europhysics Letters 78 (5), 57007, 2007
Gas hydrate formation probability distributions: Induction times, rates of nucleation and growth
PJ Metaxas, VWS Lim, C Booth, J Zhen, PL Stanwix, ML Johns, ZM Aman, ...
Fuel 252, 448-457, 2019
Universal magnetic domain wall dynamics in the presence of weak disorder
J Ferré, PJ Metaxas, A Mougin, JP Jamet, J Gorchon, V Jeudy
Comptes Rendus Physique 14 (8), 651-666, 2013
Gas hydrate formation probability and growth rate as a function of kinetic hydrate inhibitor (KHI) concentration
VWS Lim, PJ Metaxas, PL Stanwix, ML Johns, G Haandrikman, D Crosby, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 388, 124177, 2020
Simulation and experimental measurements of internal magnetic field gradients and NMR transverse relaxation times (T2) in sandstone rocks
PRJ Connolly, W Yan, D Zhang, M Mahmoud, M Verrall, M Lebedev, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 175, 985-997, 2019
Gas Hydrate Formation Probability Distributions: The Effect of Shear and Comparisons with Nucleation Theory
EF May, VW Lim, PJ Metaxas, J Du, PL Stanwix, D Rowland, ML Johns, ...
Langmuir 34 (10), 3186-3196, 2018
The delay of gas hydrate formation by kinetic inhibitors
VWS Lim, PJ Metaxas, ML Johns, G Haandrikman, D Crosby, ZM Aman, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal, 128478, 2021
Sensing magnetic nanoparticles using nano-confined ferromagnetic resonances in a magnonic crystal
P Metaxas, M Sushruth, R Begley, J Ding, R Woodward, I Maksymov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (23), 232406, 2015
High domain wall velocities via spin transfer torque using vertical current injection
PJ Metaxas, J Sampaio, A Chanthbouala, R Matsumoto, A Anane, A Fert, ...
Scientific reports 3, 1829, 2013
Nanopatterning‐Enhanced Sensitivity and Response Time of Dynamic Palladium/Cobalt/Palladium Hydrogen Gas Sensors
C Lueng, P Lupo, PJ Metaxas, M Kostylev, AO Adeyeye
Advanced Materials Technologies 1 (5), 1600097, 2016
Dynamic binding of driven interfaces in coupled ultrathin ferromagnetic layers
PJ Metaxas, RL Stamps, JP Jamet, J Ferré, V Baltz, B Rodmacq, P Politi
Physical review letters 104 (23), 237206, 2010
Periodic magnetic domain wall pinning in an ultrathin film with perpendicular anisotropy generated by the stray magnetic field of a ferromagnetic nanodot array
PJ Metaxas, PJ Zermatten, JP Jamet, J Ferré, G Gaudin, B Rodmacq, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (13), 132504-132504-3, 2009
Magnetic domain wall creep in the presence of an effective interlayer coupling field
PJ Metaxas, JP Jamet, J Ferré, B Rodmacq, B Dieny, RL Stamps
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (21), 2571-2575, 2008
Adjustable sensitivity for hydrogen gas sensing using perpendicular-to-plane ferromagnetic resonance in Pd/Co Bi-layer films
C Lueng, PJ Metaxas, M Sushruth, M Kostylev
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (5), 3407-3414, 2017
Hydrate nucleation and growth on water droplets acoustically-levitated in high-pressure natural gas
K Jeong, PJ Metaxas, J Chan, TO Kuteyi, ZM Aman, PL Stanwix, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (39), 21685-21688, 2019
Cyclodextrins as eco-friendly nucleation promoters for methane hydrate
F Asadi, PJ Metaxas, VWS Lim, TAH Nguyen, ZM Aman, EF May, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 417, 127932, 2021
Resonance-Based Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Microbeads Using Nanopatterned Ferromagnets
M Sushruth, J Ding, J Duczynski, RC Woodward, RA Begley, H Fangohr, ...
Physical Review Applied 6, 044005, 2016
The impact of mono-ethylene glycol and kinetic inhibitors on methane hydrate formation
VWS Lim, PJ Metaxas, ML Johns, ZM Aman, EF May
Chemical Engineering Journal 427, 131531, 2022
Hysteretic magnetic pinning and reversible resistance switching in high-temperature superconductor/ferromagnet multilayers
C Visani, PJ Metaxas, A Collaudin, B Calvet, R Bernard, J Briatico, ...
Physical Review B 84 (5), 054539, 2011
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Articles 1–20