Tamara van der Does
Cited by
Cited by
Integrating social and cognitive aspects of belief dynamics: towards a unifying framework
M Galesic, H Olsson, J Dalege, T Van Der Does, DL Stein
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (176), 20200857, 2021
Human social sensing is an untapped resource for computational social science
M Galesic, W Bruine de Bruin, J Dalege, SL Feld, F Kreuter, H Olsson, ...
Nature 595 (7866), 214-222, 2021
Using a cognitive network model of moral and social beliefs to explain belief change
J Dalege, T van der Does
Science advances 8 (33), eabm0137, 2022
Strategic identity signaling in heterogeneous networks
T Van Der Does, M Galesic, ZO Dunivin, PE Smaldino
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (10), e2117898119, 2022
Gendered paths in ethnic identity exploration between adolescence and emerging adulthood
T van der Does, M Adem
Emerging Adulthood 7 (2), 109-118, 2019
Moral and social foundations of beliefs about scientific issues: predicting and understanding belief change
T van der Does, DL Stein, N Fedoroff, M Galesic
Preprint at https://doi. org/10.31219/osf. io/zs7dq, 2021
Falling through the cracks: Modeling the formation of social category boundaries
VC Yang, T van der Does, H Olsson
Plos one 16 (3), e0247562, 2021
Gender ideals in turbulent times: An examination of insecurity, Islam, and Muslim Men’s gender attitudes during the Arab spring
J Kucinskas, T van der Does
comparative sociology 16 (3), 340-368, 2017
Friendship Homophily and Immigrant Youths' Mental Health
T van der Does, M Adem
OSF, 0
Generational Dissonance or Cultural Persistence? European Immigration and the Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Beliefs
PA McManus, T van der Does, M Adem
Social Forces, soae092, 2024
Strategic Identity Signaling in Heterogeneous Networks
T van der Does, M Galesic, Z Dunivin, PE Smaldino
PsyArXiv, 2021
Identity Change after Conflict: Ethnicity, Boundaries and Belonging in the Two Irelands
T van der Does
Contemporary Sociology 50 (3), 260-262, 2021
Children of Immigrants' Religious Identity and Political Engagement Across Europe
T van der Does
Indiana University, 2018
Changes in Religiosity during Adolescence among European Children of Immigrants: Towards or Away from the Mainstream
T van der Does
OSF, 0
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Articles 1–14