Wai Chee Yau
Wai Chee Yau
Senior Staff Engineer at Zendesk. PhD graduate of RMIT University
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Lip reading using optical flow and support vector machines
AA Shaikh, DK Kumar, WC Yau, MZC Azemin, J Gubbi
Image and Signal Processing (CISP), 2010 3rd International Congress on 1 …, 2010
Visual speech recognition using image moments and multiresolution wavelet images
WC Yau, DK Kumar, SP Arjunan, S Kumar
Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation, 2006 International Conference …, 2006
Voiceless speech recognition using dynamic visual speech features
WC Yau, DK Kumar, SP Arjunan
Proceedings of the HCSNet workshop on Use of vision in human-computer …, 2006
Visual speech recognition using motion features and hidden Markov models
WC Yau, DK Kumar, H Weghorn
International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 832-839, 2007
Visual recognition of speech consonants using facial movement features
WC Yau, DK Kumar, SP Arjunan
Integrated computer-aided engineering 14 (1), 49-61, 2007
Unspoken vowel recognition using facial electromyogram
SP Arjunan, DK Kumar, WC Yau, H Weghorn
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2006. EMBS'06. 28th Annual …, 2006
Vowel recognition of English and German language using Facial movement (SEMG) for Speech control based HCI
SP Arjunan, H Weghorn, DK Kumar, WC Yau
Proceedings of the HCSNet workshop on Use of vision in human-computer …, 2006
Classification of voiceless speech using facial muscle activity and vision based techniques
WC Yau, SP Arjunan, DK Kumar
TENCON 2008-2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-6, 2008
Visual speech recognition and utterance segmentation based on mouth movement
WC Yau, H Weghorn, DK Kumar
Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications, 9th Biennial Conference …, 2007
Lip-reading technique using spatio-temporal templates and support vector machines
WC Yau, DK Kumar, T Chinnadurai
Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, 610-617, 2008
Visual speech recognition using dynamic features and support vector machines
WC Yau, DK Kumar, SP Arjunan
International Journal of Image and Graphics 8 (03), 419-437, 2008
Visual speech recognition method using translation, scale and rotation invariant features
WC Yau, DK Kumar, SP Arjunan
Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2006. AVSS'06. IEEE International …, 2006
Video analysis of mouth movement using motion templates for computer-based lip-reading
W Yau
Recognition of human voice utterances from facial surface EMG without using audio signals
SP Arjunan, H Weghorn, DK Kumar, G Naik, WC Yau
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 366-378, 2007
Unvoiced speech control based on vowels detected by facial surface electromyogram
SP Arjunan, DK Kumar, WC Yau, H Weghorn
Proceedings of the IADIS international conference on e-Society. IADIS Press …, 2006
Visual speech recognition using wavelet transform and moment based features.
WC Yau, DK Kumar, SP Arjunan, S Kumar
ICINCO-RA, 340-345, 2006
Motion Features for Visual Speech Recognition
WC Yau, DK Kumar, H Weghorn
Visual speech recognition: Lip segmentation and mapping, 388-415, 2009
Silent bilingual vowel recognition-using fSEMG for HCI based speech commands
SP Arjunan, H Weghorn, DK Kumar, WC Yau
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 68-75, 2007
Evaluating video and facial muscle activity for a better assistive technology: A silent speech based HCI
SP Arjunan, WC Yau, DK Kumar
Computational Models of Complex Systems, 89-104, 2014
A Machine-learning based Technique to Analyze the Dynamic Information for Visual Perception of Consonants
WC Yau, DK Kumar, H Weghorn
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