Johannes Glodny
Johannes Glodny
Senior Scientist, GFZ Potsdam
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Normal faulting in central Tibet since at least 13.5 Myr ago
PM Blisniuk, BR Hacker, J Glodny, L Ratschbacher, S Bi, Z Wu, ...
Nature 412 (6847), 628-632, 2001
The Hellenic subduction system: high-pressure metamorphism, exhumation, normal faulting, and large-scale extension
U Ring, J Glodny, T Will, S Thomson
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 38 (1), 45-76, 2010
Plateau‐style accumulation of deformation: Southern Altiplano
K Elger, O Oncken, J Glodny
Tectonics 24 (4), 2005
Uplift of the western Altiplano plateau: Evidence from the Precordillera between 20 and 21 S (northern Chile)
P Victor, O Oncken, J Glodny
Tectonics 23 (4), 2004
Internal dynamics of a paleoaccretionary wedge: insights from combined isotope tectonochronology and sandbox modelling of the South-Central Chilean forearc
J Glodny, J Lohrmann, H Echtler, K Gräfe, W Seifert, S Collao, O Figueroa
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 231 (1-2), 23-39, 2005
A counterclockwise PTt path of high-pressure/low-temperature rocks from the Coastal Cordillera accretionary complex of south-central Chile: constraints for the earliest stage …
AP Willner, J Glodny, TV Gerya, E Godoy, HJ Massonne
Lithos 75 (3-4), 283-310, 2004
Early exhumation of high‐pressure rocks in extrusion wedges: Cycladic blueschist unit in the eastern Aegean, Greece, and Turkey
U Ring, T Will, J Glodny, C Kumerics, K Gessner, S Thomson, T Güngör, ...
Tectonics 26 (2), 2007
Geochronology of fluid-induced eclogite and amphibolite facies metamorphic reactions in a subduction–collision system, Bergen Arcs, Norway
J Glodny, A Kühn, H Austrheim
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 156, 27-48, 2008
Precise eclogitization ages deduced from Rb/Sr mineral systematics: the Maksyutov complex, Southern Urals, Russia
J Glodny, B Bingen, H Austrheim, JF Molina, A Rusin
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (7), 1221-1235, 2002
Rb/Sr record of fluid-rock interaction in eclogites: The Marun-Keu complex, Polar Urals, Russia
J Glodny, H Austrheim, JF Molina, AI Rusin, D Seward
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (22), 4353-4371, 2003
Precise U–Pb ages of syn-extensional Miocene intrusions in the central Menderes Massif, western Turkey
J Glodny, R Hetzel
Geological Magazine 144 (2), 235-246, 2007
Ordovician metamorphism and plutonism in the Sierra de Quilmes metamorphic complex: Implications for the tectonic setting of the northern Sierras Pampeanas (NW Argentina)
SH Büttner, J Glodny, F Lucassen, K Wemmer, S Erdmann, R Handler, ...
Lithos 83 (1-2), 143-181, 2005
Differential late paleozoic active margin evolution in South-Central Chile (37 S–40 S)–the lanalhue fault zone
J Glodny, H Echtler, S Collao, M Ardiles, P Burón, O Figueroa
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 26 (4), 397-411, 2008
Crystallization and very rapid exhumation of the youngest Alpine eclogites (Tauern Window, Eastern Alps) from Rb/Sr mineral assemblage analysis
J Glodny, U Ring, A Kühn, P Gleissner, G Franz
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 149, 699-712, 2005
Diffusion versus recrystallization processes in Rb–Sr geochronology: isotopic relics in eclogite facies rocks, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
J Glodny, A Kühn, H Austrheim
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (2), 506-525, 2008
Probing the transition between seismically coupled and decoupled segments along an ancient subduction interface
S Angiboust, J Kirsch, O Oncken, J Glodny, P Monié, E Rybacki
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (6), 1905-1922, 2015
An Oligocene extrusion wedge of blueschist-facies nappes on Evia, Aegean Sea, Greece: implications for the early exhumation of high-pressure rocks
U Ring, J Glodny, T Will, S Thomson
Journal of the Geological Society 164 (3), 637-652, 2007
The extensional Messaria shear zone and associated brittle detachment faults, Aegean Sea, Greece
C Kumerics, U Ring, S Brichau, J Glodny, P Monié
Journal of the Geological Society 162 (4), 701-721, 2005
Coeval high‐pressure metamorphism, thrusting, strike‐slip, and extensional shearing in the Tauern Window, Eastern Alps
J Glodny, U Ring, A Kühn
Tectonics 27 (4), 2008
In search of transient subduction interfaces in the Dent Blanche–Sesia Tectonic System (W. Alps)
S Angiboust, J Glodny, O Oncken, C Chopin
Lithos 205, 298-321, 2014
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