Haisheng Zheng
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Cited by
Plasmonic Gratings with Nano-protrusions Made by Glancing Angle Deposition for Single-Molecule Super-Resolution Imaging
B Chen, A Wood, A Pathak, JC Mathai, S Bok, H Zheng, S Hamm, ...
Nanoscale, 2016
Room temperature Coulomb blockade effects in Au nanocluster/pentacene single electron transistors
H Zheng, M Asbahi, S Mukherjee, CJ Mathai, K Gangopadhyay, ...
Nanotechnology 26 (35), 355204, 2015
Size-dependent work function and single electron memory behavior of pentacene non-volatile memory with embedded sub-nanometer platinum nanoparticles
H Zheng, Y Zhou, S Gangopadhyay
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (2), 2015
Large sensitivity enhancement in semiconducting organic field effect transistor sensors through incorporation of ultra-fine platinum nanoparticles
H Zheng, B Ramalingam, V Korampally, S Gangopadhyay
Applied Physics Letters 103, 2013
Barrier Modification of Metalcontact on Silicon by Sub-2 nm Platinum Nanoparticles and Thin Dielectrics
H Zheng, BK Mahajan, SC Su, S Mukherjee, K Gangopadhyay, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (25234), 2016
In situ characterization of photothermal nanoenergetic combustion on a plasmonic microchip
B Chen, H Zheng, M Riehn, S Bok, K Gangopadhyay, MR Maschmann, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (1), 427-436, 2018
Layer-by-layer charging in non-volatile memory devices using embedded sub-2 nm platinum nanoparticles
B Ramalingam, H Zheng, S Gangopadhyay
Applied Physics Letters 104 (14), 2014
Ultrafine Pt nanoparticle induced doping/strain of single layer graphene: experimental corroboration between conduction and Raman characteristics
H Zheng, S Mukherjee, K Gangopadhyay, S Gangopadhyay
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 1-8, 2015
Enhanced fluorescence for in situ temperature mapping of photothermally heated aluminum nanoparticles enabled by a plasmonic grating substrate
B Chen, H Zheng, M Riehn, S Bok, K Gangopadhyay, J McFarland, ...
Nanotechnology 29 (39), 395501, 2018
Neutron detection with integrated sub-2 nm Pt nanoparticles and 10B enriched dielectrics—A direct conversion device
H Zheng, B Ramalingam, S Mukherjee, Y Zhou, K Gangopadhyay, ...
Sensing and bio-sensing research 9, 1-6, 2016
Fluorescence-based temperature sensor for in-situ imaging local temperature of aluminum nanoparticles on plasmonic gratings
B Chen, H Zheng, J Yoon, S Bok, C Mathai, K Gangopadhyay, ...
2016 IEEE SENSORS, 1-3, 2016
Effect of Sub 1-Nm Pt Nanoparticle on the Conduction Properties of Graphene Based Field Effect Transistor
H Zheng, S Mukherjee, K Gangopadhyay, S Gangopadhyay
ECS Transactions 61 (39), 1-11, 2014
Influence of Pt nanoparticle induced defects and surface coverage in determining asymmetric programming/erasing signatures for nanocrystal embedded nonvolatile memory applications
S Mukherjee, H Zheng, K Gangopadhyay, S Gangopadhyay
Advanced Materials Interfaces 3 (20), 1600436, 2016
Molecularly imprinted organic transistor-based sensor for selective trace chemical vapor detection
H Zheng, S Gangopadhyay
2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors …, 2015
Surface-Plasmon-Enhanced Raman and Photoluminescence of Few-Layers and Bulk MoS2 on Silver Grating
H Zheng, M Li, B Chen, B Sangho, CM Joseph, K Gangopadhyay, ...
CLEO: Applications and Technology, JW2A. 111, 2016
Large Sensitivity Enhancement: Incorporation of Ultra-Fine Metal Nanoparticles into Organic Field Effect Transistor and Single Electron Transistor Based Sensors
H Zheng, M Asbabhi, B Ramalingam, JKW Yang, S Gangopadhyay
ECS Meeting Abstracts, 419-419, 2014
(Invited) Modifying Silicon/Dielectric & Silicon/Metal Interfaces Using Sub-2 Nm Pt Nanoparticles
S Gangopadhyay, S Mukherjee, H Zheng, K Gangopadhyay
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 232, 828-828, 2017
Exploring the Charge Storage Properties of Sub-2 nm Metal Nanoparticles: Applications in Field Effect Transistor Memory and Detection of Trace Vapor Molecules
H Zheng
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2016
The Effect of Platinum Nanoparticle Size on Fermi-Level Depinning of Titanium Metal-contact on Silicon
H Zheng, SC Su, S Mukherjee, K Gangopadhyay, S Gangopadhyay
International Conference on Frontiers of Characterization and Metrology for …, 2015
Size-Dependent Work Function and Single Electron Memory Behavior of Pentacene Non-volatile Memory with Embedded Sub nm Platinum Nanoparticles
H Zheng, Y Zhou, S Gangopadhyay
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Articles 1–20