Samet Egemen Arda
Samet Egemen Arda
Data Engineer, Booz Allen
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DS3: A System-Level Domain-Specific System-on-Chip Simulation Framework
SE Arda, A Krishnakumar, AA Goksoy, N Kumbhare, J Mack, AL Sartor, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computers 69 (8), 1248-1262, 2020
Nonlinear dynamic modeling and simulation of a passively cooled small modular reactor
SE Arda, KE Holbert
Progress in Nuclear Energy 91, 116-131, 2016
Runtime task scheduling using imitation learning for heterogeneous many-core systems
A Krishnakumar, SE Arda, AA Goksoy, SK Mandal, UY Ogras, AL Sartor, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2020
A dynamic model of a passively cooled small modular reactor for controller design purposes
SE Arda, KE Holbert
Nuclear Engineering and Design 289 (August 2015), 218-230, 2015
Performant, multi-objective scheduling of highly interleaved task graphs on heterogeneous system on chip devices
J Mack, SE Arda, UY Ogras, A Akoglu
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (9), 2148-2162, 2021
HiLITE: Hierarchical and Lightweight Imitation Learning for Power Management of Embedded SoCs
AL Sartor, A Krishnakumar, SE Arda, UY Ogras, R Marculescu
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters 19 (1), 63-67, 2020
Implementing a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant model into grid simulations
SE Arda, KE Holbert
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 1-5, 2014
Development of a linearized model of a pressurized water reactor generating station for power system dynamic simulations
SE Arda, KE Holbert, J Undrill
2013 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2013
Implementing a Nuclear Power Plant Model for Evaluating Load-Following Capability on a Small Grid
SE Arda
Arizona State University, 2013
A simulation framework for domain-specific system-on-chips: Work-in-progress
SE Arda, A NK, AA Goksoy, J Mack, N Kumbhare, AL Sartor, A Akoglu, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign …, 2019
User-space emulation framework for heterogeneous soc design
U Ogras, R Marculescu, A Akoglu, C Chakrabarti, D Bliss, SE Arda, ...
US Patent App. 18/249,885, 2024
Runtime task scheduling using imitation learning for heterogeneous many-core systems
U Ogras, R Marculescu, A Akoglu, C Chakrabarti, D Bliss, SE Arda, ...
US Patent App. 18/249,851, 2023
Hilite: hierarchical and lightweight imitation learning for power management of embedded socs
U Ogras, R Marculescu, A Akoglu, C Chakrabarti, D Bliss, SE Arda, ...
US Patent App. 18/249,876, 2023
Simulation and Control of a Passively Cooled Small Modular Reactor
SE Arda, KE Holbert
NPIC & HMIT 2017, 2017
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