Tom Hartley
Tom Hartley
Retired. Formerly Department of Psychology, University of York
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The well-worn route and the path less traveled: distinct neural bases of route following and wayfinding in humans
T Hartley, EA Maguire, HJ Spiers, N Burgess
Neuron 37 (5), 877-888, 2003
Space in the brain: how the hippocampal formation supports spatial cognition
T Hartley, C Lever, N Burgess, J O'Keefe
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
The boundary vector cell model of place cell firing and spatial memory
C Barry, C Lever, R Hayman, T Hartley, S Burton, J O'Keefe, K Jeffery, ...
Reviews in the Neurosciences 17 (1-2), 71-98, 2006
Modeling place fields in terms of the cortical inputs to the hippocampus
T Hartley, N Burgess, C Lever, F Cacucci, J O'Keefe
Hippocampus 10 (4), 369-379, 2000
Navigation expertise and the human hippocampus: a structural brain imaging analysis
EA Maguire, HJ Spiers, CD Good, T Hartley, RSJ Frackowiak, N Burgess
Hippocampus 13 (2), 250-259, 2003
Brain areas sensitive to coherent visual motion
OJ Braddick, JMD O'Brien, J Wattam-Bell, J Atkinson, T Hartley, R Turner
Perception 30 (1), 61-72, 2001
The hippocampus is required for short‐term topographical memory in humans
T Hartley, CM Bird, D Chan, L Cipolotti, M Husain, F Vargha‐Khadem, ...
Hippocampus 17 (1), 34-48, 2007
Unilateral temporal lobectomy patients show lateralized topographical and episodic memory deficits in a virtual town
HJ Spiers, N Burgess, EA Maguire, SA Baxendale, T Hartley, ...
Brain 124 (12), 2476-2489, 2001
Human hippocampus and viewpoint dependence in spatial memory
JA King, N Burgess, T Hartley, F Vargha‐Khadem, J O'Keefe
Hippocampus 12 (6), 811-820, 2002
A linguistically constrained model of short-term memory for nonwords
T Hartley, G Houghton
Journal of Memory and Language 35 (1), 1-31, 1996
Modeling first impressions from highly variable facial images
RJW Vernon, CAM Sutherland, AW Young, T Hartley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (32), E3353-E3361, 2014
Bilateral hippocampal pathology impairs topographical and episodic memory but not visual pattern matching
HJ Spiers, N Burgess, T Hartley, F Vargha‐Khadem, J O'Keefe
Hippocampus 11 (6), 715-725, 2001
Geometric determinants of human spatial memory
T Hartley, I Trinkler, N Burgess
Cognition 94 (1), 39-75, 2004
Predictions derived from modelling the hippocampal role in navigation
N Burgess, A Jackson, T Hartley, J O'Keefe
Biological cybernetics 83 (3), 301-312, 2000
Parallel models of serial behavior: Lashley revisited
G Houghton, T Hartley
Psyche 2 (25), 1-25, 1995
Infant emmetropization: longitudinal changes in refraction components from nine to twenty months of age.
DL Ehrlich, OJ Braddick, J Atkinson, S Anker, F Weeks, T Hartley, J Wade, ...
Optometry and vision science: official publication of the American Academy …, 1997
Anterior hippocampus and goal-directed spatial decision making
A Viard, CF Doeller, T Hartley, CM Bird, N Burgess
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (12), 4613-4621, 2011
Topographical short‐term memory differentiates Alzheimer's disease from frontotemporal lobar degeneration
CM Bird, D Chan, T Hartley, YA Pijnenburg, MN Rossor, N Burgess
Hippocampus 20 (10), 1154-1169, 2010
Selective interference with verbal short-term memory for serial order information: A new paradigm and tests of a timing-signal hypothesis
R Henson, T Hartley, N Burgess, G Hitch, B Flude
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 56 (8), 1307-1334, 2003
Low-level image properties of visual objects predict patterns of neural response across category-selective regions of the ventral visual pathway
GE Rice, DM Watson, T Hartley, TJ Andrews
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (26), 8837-8844, 2014
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