John Edison Muñoz
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Cited by
Exergames: una herramienta tecnológica para la actividad física
JE Muñoz, JF Villada, JC Giraldo Trujillo
Revista Médica de Risaralda 19 (2), 126-130, 2013
Influence of a BCI neurofeedback videogame in children with ADHD. Quantifying the brain activity through an EEG signal processing dedicated toolbox
DZ Blandón, JE Muñoz, DS Lopez, OH Gallo
2016 IEEE 11th Colombian Computing Conference (CCC), 1-8, 2016
A psychophysiological model of firearms training in police officers: A virtual reality experiment for biocybernetic adaptation
JE Muñoz, L Quintero, CL Stephens, AT Pope
Frontiers in psychology 11, 683, 2020
Design and creation of a BCI videogame to train sustained attention in children with ADHD
JE Muñoz, DS Lopez, JF Lopez, A Lopez
2015 10th Computing Colombian Conference (10CCC), 194-199, 2015
Sistema de Rehabilitación basado en el Uso de Análisis Biomecánico y Videojuegos mediante el Sensor Kinect
JE Muñoz-Cardona, OA Henao-Gallo, JF López-Herrera
TecnoLógicas, 2013
PhysioVR: A Novel Mobile Virtual Reality Framework for Physiological Computing
JE Muñoz, T Paulino, H Vasanth, K Baras
IEEE Health'Com 2016, 2016
Immersive virtual reality exergames for persons living with dementia: user-centered design study as a multistakeholder team during the COVID-19 pandemic
J Muñoz, S Mehrabi, Y Li, A Basharat, LE Middleton, S Cao, ...
JMIR Serious Games 10 (1), e29987, 2022
PhysioLab-a multivariate physiological computing toolbox for ECG, EMG and EDA signals: a case of study of cardiorespiratory fitness assessment in the elderly population
JE Muñoz, ER Gouveia, MS Cameirão, SB Badia
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 11521-11546, 2018
Lessons learned from gamifying functional fitness training through human-centered design methods in older adults
JE Munoz, A Gonçalves, É Rúbio Gouveia, MS Cameirao, ...
Games for health journal 8 (6), 387-406, 2019
Robots, bullies and stories: a remote co-design study with children
E Sanoubari, JE Muñoz Cardona, H Mahdi, JE Young, A Houston, ...
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2021
Closing the loop in exergaming-health benefits of biocybernetic adaptation in senior adults
JE Muñoz, M Cameirão, S Bermúdez i Badia, ER Gouveia
Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2018
Enhancing virtual rehabilitation in upper limbs with biocybernetic adaptation: the effects of virtual reality on perceived muscle fatigue, game performance and user experience
MF Montoya, JE Muñoz, OA Henao
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28 (3 …, 2020
The Biocybernetic Loop Engine: an Integrated Tool for Creating Physiologically Adaptive Videogames
JE Muñoz, E Gouveia, MS Cameirão, SB i Badia
PhyCS 2017, 4th International Conference in Physiological Computing Systems 2017, 2017
Modulation of physiological responses and activity levels during exergame experiences
JEM Cardona, MS Cameirao, T Paulino, SB i Badia, E Rubio
2016 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious …, 2016
Integrating biocybernetic adaptation in virtual reality training concentration and calmness in target shooting
JE Muñoz, AT Pope, LE Velez
Physiological Computing Systems: International Conferences, PhyCS 2016 …, 2019
Immersive virtual reality exergames to promote the well-being of community-dwelling older adults: Protocol for a mixed methods pilot study
S Mehrabi, JE Muñoz, A Basharat, J Boger, S Cao, M Barnett-Cowan, ...
JMIR Research Protocols 11 (6), e32955, 2022
From exergames to immersive virtual reality systems: Serious games for supporting older adults
JE Muñoz, MF Montoya, J Boger
Smart home technologies and services for geriatric rehabilitation, 141-204, 2022
Kinematically adaptive exergames: Personalizing exercise therapy through closed-loop systems
JE Muñoz, S Cao, J Boger
2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2019
Optimizing Motor Imagery Neurofeedback through the Use of Multimodal Immersive Virtual Reality and Motor Priming
A Vourvopoulos, JEM Cardona, SB i Badia
environments 4, 17, 2015
Application of hybrid BCI and exergames for balance rehabilitation after stroke
JE Muñoz, R Chavarriaga, DS Lopez
Proceedings of the 11th conference on advances in computer entertainment …, 2014
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Articles 1–20