Adel El-Sabbagh OR Elsabbagh
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Topology optimization of constrained layer damping on plates using Method of Moving Asymptote (MMA) approach
Z Ling, X Ronglu, W Yi, A El-Sabbagh
Shock and Vibration 18 (1-2), 221-244, 2011
Topology optimization of a plate coupled with acoustic cavity
W Akl, A El-Sabbagh, K Al-Mitani, A Baz
International Journal of Solids and Structures 46 (10), 2060-2074, 2009
Topology optimization of unconstrained damping treatments for plates
A El-Sabbagh, A Baz
Engineering optimization 46 (9), 1153-1168, 2014
Optimization of the static and dynamic characteristics of plates with isogrid stiffeners
W Akl, A El-Sabbagh, A Baz
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 44 (8), 513-523, 2008
Quenching of acoustic bandgaps by flow noise
T Elnady, A Elsabbagh, W Akl, O Mohamady, VM Garcia-Chocano, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (13), 2009
Flexural wave concentration in tapered cylindrical beams and wedge-like rectangular beams with power-law thickness
P Zeng, L Zheng, J Deng, A Elsabbagh, S Xiang, T Yan, Y Wu
Journal of Sound and Vibration 452, 82-96, 2019
Topology optimization of periodic Mindlin plates
A El-Sabbagh, W Akl, A Baz
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 44 (8), 439-449, 2008
Nonlinear finite element model for the analysis of axisymmetric inflatable beams
A Elsabbagh
Thin-Walled Structures 96, 307-313, 2015
A comparison between different finite elements for elastic and aero-elastic analyses
M Mahran, A ELsabbagh, H Negm
Journal of advanced research 8 (6), 635-648, 2017
Modeling and design of two-dimensional membrane-type active acoustic metamaterials with tunable anisotropic density
A Allam, A Elsabbagh, W Akl
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (5), 3607-3618, 2016
Aero-elastic characteristics of tapered plate wings
Mohamed Mahran,Hani Negm, Adel El-Sabbagh
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 94, 24-32, 2015
Experimental demonstration of one-dimensional active plate-type acoustic metamaterial with adaptive programmable density
A Allam, A Elsabbagh, W Akl
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (12), 2017
Acoustic emission wave propagation in honeycomb sandwich panel structures
AH Abdulaziz, M Hedaya, A Elsabbagh, K Holford, J McCrory
Composite Structures 277, 114580, 2021
Acoustic metamaterials with circular sector cavities and programmable densities
W Akl, A Elsabbagh, A Baz
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (4), 2857-2865, 2012
Nonlinear analysis of twisted wind turbine blade
M Yangui, S Bouaziz, M Taktak, M Haddar, A El-Sabbagh
Journal of Mechanics 34 (3), 269-278, 2018
Comparison of sound power prediction models of wind turbines
E Zidan, T Elnady, A Elsabbagh
International conference on Advances in Agricultural, Biological …, 2014
Maximization of the harvested power from piezoelectric bimorphs with multiple electrodes under dynamic excitation
A El-Sabbagh, A Baz
Finite elements in analysis and design 47 (11), 1232-1241, 2011
Sound source localization in 360 degrees using a circular microphone array
M Gaber, T Elnady, A Elsabbagh
Euronoise2018 conference, 2613-2620, 2018
Finite element modeling of plates with arbitrary oriented isogrid stiffeners
W Akl, A El-Sabbagh, A Baz
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 15 (2), 130-141, 2008
Acoustic emission source location in composite-honeycomb sandwich panel
AH Abdulaziz, M Hedaya, A Elsabbagh, KM Holford, JP McCrory
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 11 (2), 851-860, 2021
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Articles 1–20