Karlo Penc
Karlo Penc
Researcher, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics
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Quadrupolar Phases of the Bilinear-Biquadratic Heisenberg Model <?format ?>on the Triangular Lattice
A Läuchli, F Mila, K Penc
Physical review letters 97 (8), 087205, 2006
Half-Magnetization Plateau Stabilized by Structural Distortion in the Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on a Pyrochlore Lattice
K Penc, N Shannon, H Shiba
Physical Review Letters 93 (19), 197203-197203, 2004
Spin-orbital quantum liquid on the honeycomb lattice
P Corboz, M Lajkó, AM Läuchli, K Penc, F Mila
Physical Review X 2 (4), 041013, 2012
Quantum ice: a quantum Monte Carlo study
N Shannon, O Sikora, F Pollmann, K Penc, P Fulde
Physical review letters 108 (6), 067204, 2012
Finite temperature properties and frustrated ferromagnetism in a square lattice Heisenberg model
N Shannon, B Schmidt, K Penc, P Thalmeier
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 38, 599-616, 2004
Hall effect of triplons in a dimerized quantum magnet
J Romhányi, K Penc, R Ganesh
Nature communications 6 (1), 6805, 2015
Shadow band in the one-dimensional infinite-U Hubbard model
K Penc, K Hallberg, F Mila, H Shiba
Physical review letters 77 (7), 1390, 1996
Topological magnons in Kitaev magnets at high fields
PA McClarty, XY Dong, M Gohlke, JG Rau, F Pollmann, R Moessner, ...
Physical Review B 98 (6), 060404, 2018
Simultaneous Dimerization and SU (4) Symmetry Breaking of<? format?> 4-Color Fermions on the Square Lattice
P Corboz, AM Läuchli, K Penc, M Troyer, F Mila
Physical review letters 107 (21), 215301, 2011
Manifestation of Spin-Charge Separation in the Dynamic Dielectric Response of One-Dimensional Sr 2 Cu O 3
R Neudert, M Knupfer, MS Golden, J Fink, W Stephan, K Penc, ...
Physical review letters 81 (3), 657, 1998
Three-Sublattice Ordering of the SU (3) Heisenberg Model of Three-Flavor Fermions<? format?> on the Square and Cubic Lattices
TA Tóth, AM Läuchli, F Mila, K Penc
Physical review letters 105 (26), 265301, 2010
Phase diagram of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model with attractive and/or repulsive interactions at quarter filling
K Penc, F Mila
Physical Review B 49 (14), 9670, 1994
Magnetoelasticity in CrO spinel oxides ( Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu)
V Kocsis, S Bordács, D Varjas, K Penc, A Abouelsayed, CA Kuntscher, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 064416, 2013
Spectral functions of the one-dimensional Hubbard model in the U→+∞ limit: How to use the factorized wave function
K Penc, K Hallberg, F Mila, H Shiba
Physical Review B 55 (23), 15475, 1997
Three-sublattice order in the SU (3) Heisenberg model on the square and triangular lattice
B Bauer, P Corboz, AM Läuchli, L Messio, K Penc, M Troyer, F Mila
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (12), 125116, 2012
Charge gap in the one-dimensional dimerized Hubbard model at quarter-filling
K Penc, F Mila
Physical Review B 50 (16), 11429, 1994
One-dimensional Hubbard model in a magnetic field and the multicomponent Tomonaga-Luttinger model
K Penc, J Sólyom
Physical Review B 47 (11), 6273, 1993
Orbital degeneracy as a source of frustration in
F Vernay, K Penc, P Fazekas, F Mila
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (1), 014428, 2004
Orbitally driven spin pairing in the three-dimensional nonmagnetic Mott insulator BaVS3
G Mihaly, I Kezsmarki, F Zamborszky, M Miljak, K Penc, P Fazekas, ...
Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter 61 (12), 7831, 2000
Spectral Function of the 1D Hubbard Model in the Limit
K Penc, F Mila, H Shiba
Physical review letters 75 (5), 894, 1995
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Articles 1–20