Albert A Presto
Albert A Presto
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
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Survey of catalysts for oxidation of mercury in flue gas
AA Presto, EJ Granite
Environmental science & technology 40 (18), 5601-5609, 2006
Brownness of organics in aerosols from biomass burning linked to their black carbon content
R Saleh, ES Robinson, DS Tkacik, AT Ahern, S Liu, AC Aiken, ...
Nature Geoscience 7 (9), 647-650, 2014
A machine learning calibration model using random forests to improve sensor performance for lower-cost air quality monitoring
N Zimmerman, AA Presto, SPN Kumar, J Gu, A Hauryliuk, ES Robinson, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11 (1), 291-313, 2018
Secondary organic aerosol production from terpene ozonolysis. 2. Effect of NO x concentration
AA Presto, KE Huff Hartz, NM Donahue
Environmental Science & Technology 39 (18), 7046-7054, 2005
Chemical and physical transformations of organic aerosol from the photo-oxidation of open biomass burning emissions in an environmental chamber
CJ Hennigan, MA Miracolo, GJ Engelhart, AA May, AA Presto, T Lee, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (15), 7669-7686, 2011
From low-cost sensors to high-quality data: A summary of challenges and best practices for effectively calibrating low-cost particulate matter mass sensors
MR Giordano, C Malings, SN Pandis, AA Presto, VF McNeill, ...
Journal of Aerosol Science 158, 105833, 2021
Fine particle mass monitoring with low-cost sensors: Corrections and long-term performance evaluation
C Malings, R Tanzer, A Hauryliuk, PK Saha, AL Robinson, AA Presto, ...
Aerosol Science and Technology 54 (2), 160-174, 2020
Comparison of gasoline direct-injection (GDI) and port fuel injection (PFI) vehicle emissions: emission certification standards, cold-start, secondary organic aerosol formation …
G Saliba, R Saleh, Y Zhao, AA Presto, AT Lambe, B Frodin, S Sardar, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (11), 6542-6552, 2017
Gas-and particle-phase primary emissions from in-use, on-road gasoline and diesel vehicles
AA May, NT Nguyen, AA Presto, TD Gordon, EM Lipsky, M Karve, ...
Atmospheric Environment 88, 247-260, 2014
Impact of sulfur oxides on mercury capture by activated carbon
AA Presto, EJ Granite
Environmental science & technology 41 (18), 6579-6584, 2007
Investigation of α-pinene+ ozone secondary organic aerosol formation at low total aerosol mass
AA Presto, NM Donahue
Environmental science & technology 40 (11), 3536-3543, 2006
Secondary organic aerosol formation from intermediate-volatility organic compounds: cyclic, linear, and branched alkanes
DS Tkacik, AA Presto, NM Donahue, AL Robinson
Environmental science & technology 46 (16), 8773-8781, 2012
Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from High-NOx Photo-Oxidation of Low Volatility Precursors: n-Alkanes
AA Presto, MA Miracolo, NM Donahue, AL Robinson
Environmental science & technology 44 (6), 2029-2034, 2010
Intermediate volatility organic compound emissions from on-road diesel vehicles: chemical composition, emission factors, and estimated secondary organic aerosol production
Y Zhao, NT Nguyen, AA Presto, CJ Hennigan, AA May, AL Robinson
Environmental science & technology 49 (19), 11516-11526, 2015
Secondary organic aerosol production from terpene ozonolysis. 1. Effect of UV radiation
AA Presto, KE Huff Hartz, NM Donahue
Environmental science & technology 39 (18), 7036-7045, 2005
Intermediate volatility organic compound emissions from on-road gasoline vehicles and small off-road gasoline engines
Y Zhao, NT Nguyen, AA Presto, CJ Hennigan, AA May, AL Robinson
Environmental science & technology 50 (8), 4554-4563, 2016
Adventures in ozoneland: down the rabbit-hole
NM Donahue, GT Drozd, SA Epstein, AA Presto, JH Kroll
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (23), 10848-10857, 2011
Methane emissions from conventional and unconventional natural gas production sites in the Marcellus Shale Basin
M Omara, MR Sullivan, X Li, R Subramanian, AL Robinson, AA Presto
Environmental science & technology 50 (4), 2099-2107, 2016
Secondary organic aerosol formation exceeds primary particulate matter emissions for light-duty gasoline vehicles
TD Gordon, AA Presto, AA May, NT Nguyen, EM Lipsky, NM Donahue, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (9), 4661-4678, 2014
Asphalt-related emissions are a major missing nontraditional source of secondary organic aerosol precursors
P Khare, J Machesky, R Soto, M He, AA Presto, DR Gentner
Science advances 6 (36), eabb9785, 2020
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Articles 1–20