Monica Hurdal
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Cited by
Quasi-conformally flat mapping the human cerebellum
MK Hurdal, PL Bowers, K Stephenson, DWL Sumners, K Rehm, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI’99: Second …, 1999
Cortical cartography using the discrete conformal approach of circle packings
MK Hurdal, K Stephenson
NeuroImage 23, S119-S128, 2004
Discrete conformal methods for cortical brain flattening
MK Hurdal, K Stephenson
Neuroimage 45 (1), S86-S98, 2009
Estimating linear cortical magnification in human primary visual cortex via dynamic programming
A Qiu, BJ Rosenau, AS Greenberg, MK Hurdal, P Barta, S Yantis, MI Miller
Neuroimage 31 (1), 125-138, 2006
Dynamic programming generation of boundaries of local coordinatized submanifolds in the neocortex: application to the planum temporale
JT Ratnanather, PE Barta, NA Honeycutt, N Lee, HM Morris, AC Dziorny, ...
NeuroImage 20 (1), 359-377, 2003
Planar conformal mappings of piecewise flat surfaces
PL Bowers, MK Hurdal
Visualization and mathematics III, 3-34, 2003
Model-free functional MRI analysis using cluster-based methods
TD Otto, A Meyer-Baese, M Hurdal, DW Sumners, D Auer, A Wismuller
Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications 5103, 17-24, 2003
Quantitative evaluation of three cortical surface flattening methods
L Ju, MK Hurdal, J Stern, K Rehm, K Schaper, D Rottenberg
NeuroImage 28 (4), 869-880, 2005
Coordinate systems for conformal cerebellar flat maps
MK Hurdal, K Stephenson, P Bowers, DW Sumners, DA Rottenberg
NeuroImage 11 (5), S467-S467, 2000
Cortical surface flattening using least square conformal mapping with minimal metric distortion
L Ju, J Stern, K Rehm, K Schaper, M Hurdal, D Rottenberg
2004 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Nano to Macro …, 2004
Chemically based mathematical model for development of cerebral cortical folding patterns
DA Striegel, MK Hurdal
PLoS computational biology 5 (9), e1000524, 2009
Analysis of the Trojan Y chromosome model for eradication of invasive species in a dendritic riverine system
JB Gutierrez, MK Hurdal, RD Parshad, JL Teem
Journal of mathematical biology 64, 319-340, 2012
Analysis of dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI time series based on unsupervised clustering methods
A Meyer-Baese, O Lange, A Wismüller, MK Hurdal
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11 (5), 563-573, 2007
A comparison between neural and fuzzy cluster analysis techniques for functional MRI
O Lange, A Meyer-Baese, M Hurdal, S Foo
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 1 (3), 243-252, 2006
Case study: Interacting with cortical flat maps of the human brain
MK Hurdal, KW Kurtz, DC Banks
Proceedings Visualization, 2001. VIS'01., 469-591, 2001
Turing models of cortical folding on exponentially and logistically growing domains
G Toole, MK Hurdal
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66 (9), 1627-1642, 2013
Shape analysis for automated sulcal classification and parcellation of MRI data
MK Hurdal, JB Gutierrez, C Laing, DA Smith
Journal of combinatorial optimization 15, 257-275, 2008
Identifying perceptually salient features on 2d shapes
LJ Larsson, G Morin, A Begault, R Chaine, J Abiva, E Hubert, M Hurdal, ...
Research in Shape Modeling: Los Angeles, July 2013, 129-153, 2015
Modeling brain anatomy with 3D arrangements of curves
W Mio, JC Bowers, MK Hurdal, X Liu
2007 IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, 1-8, 2007
Modeling metric distances of dendrite spines of mice based on morphometric measures
E Ceyhan, RÇ Ölken, L Fong, TN Tasky, MK Hurdal, MF Beg, ME Martone, ...
Int. Symp on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, 2007
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Articles 1–20