Cited by
Cited by
Body temperature measurement for remote health monitoring system
H Mansor, MHA Shukor, SS Meskam, NQAM Rusli, NS Zamery
2013 IEEE International conference on smart instrumentation, measurement and …, 2013
Prototype design of smart home system using internet of things
TS Gunawan, IRH Yaldi, M Kartiwi, N Ismail, NF Za’bah, H Mansor, ...
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 7 (1), 107-115, 2017
Performance evaluation of smart home system using internet of things
TS Gunawan, IRH Yaldi, M Kartiwi, H Mansor
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8 (1), 400, 2018
Design and Implementation of Portable Outdoor Air Quality Measurement System using Arduino.
TS Gunawan, YMS Munir, M Kartiwi, H Mansor
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 8 (1), 2018
On the evaluation of DHT22 temperature sensor for IoT application
YA Ahmad, TS Gunawan, H Mansor, BA Hamida, AF Hishamudin, F Arifin
2021 8th international conference on computer and communication engineering …, 2021
Speech emotion recognition using convolution neural networks and deep stride convolutional neural networks
TM Wani, TS Gunawan, SAA Qadri, H Mansor, M Kartiwi, N Ismail
2020 6th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics (ICWT), 1-6, 2020
Portable heart rate measurement for remote health monitoring system
H Mansor, SS Meskam, NS Zamery, NQAM Rusli, R Akmeliawati
2015 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 1-5, 2015
Artificial neural network based fast edge detection algorithm for mri medical images
TS Gunawan, IZ Yaacob, M Kartiwi, N Ismail, NF Za’bah, H Mansor
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 7 (1), 123-130, 2017
Development of Quran reciter identification system using MFCC and neural network
TMH Asda, TS Gunawan, M Kartiwi, H Mansor
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1 (1), 168-175, 2016
Development of smart chicken poultry farm
H Mansor, AN Azlin, TS Gunawan, MM Kamal, AZ Hashim
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 10 (2 …, 2018
Robust adaptive LQR control of nonlinear system application to 3-Dof flight control system
RI Boby, H Mansor, TS Gunawan, S Khan
2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and …, 2014
Development of school bus security system based on RFID and GSM Technonologies for Klang Valley Area
TMAM Fadzir, H Mansor, TS Gunawan, Z Janin
2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement …, 2018
A critical insight into multi-languages speech emotion databases
SAA Qadri, TS Gunawan, MF Alghifari, H Mansor, M Kartiwi, Z Janin
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 8 (4), 1312-1323, 2019
Online Quantitative feedback theory (QFT)-based self-tuning controller for grain drying process
H Mansor, SBM Noor, RKR Ahmad, FS Taip
Scientific Research and Essays 6 (31), 6520-6534, 2011
IIum bus on campus monitoring system
MNZ Juhari, H Mansor
2016 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering …, 2016
Stride based convolutional neural network for speech emotion recognition
TM Wani, TS Gunawan, SAA Qadri, H Mansor, F Arifin, YA Ahmad
2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement …, 2021
Autonomous surface vessel for search and rescue operation
H Mansor, MH Norhisam, ZZ Abidin, TS Gunawan
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 10 (3), 1701-1708, 2021
Development of modular smart farm system
AAN Azlin, H Mansor, AZ Hashim, TS Gunawan
2017 IEEE 4th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement …, 2017
Halal kit identifier using radio frequency identification technology
NHA Abd Halim, H Mansor, NF Hasbullah
2016 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering …, 2016
Assessment of radar reflectivity-rainfall rate, ZR relationships for a convective event in Malaysia
NHM Sobli, AF Ismail, FNM Isa, H Mansor
International Journal of Electrical Energy 1 (4), 239-243, 2013
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Articles 1–20