Tero Heikkilä
Tero Heikkilä
Professor, Department of Physics and Nanoscience Center, University of Jyväskylä
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Opportunities for mesoscopics in thermometry and refrigeration: Physics and applications
F Giazotto, TT Heikkilä, A Luukanen, AM Savin, JP Pekola
Reviews of Modern Physics 78 (1), 217-274, 2006
High-temperature surface superconductivity in topological flat-band systems
NB Kopnin, TT Heikkilä, GE Volovik
Physical Review B 83 (22), 220503, 2011
Microwave amplification with nanomechanical resonators
F Massel, TT Heikkilä, JM Pirkkalainen, SU Cho, H Saloniemi, ...
Nature 480 (7377), 351-354, 2011
Flat bands in topological media
TT Heikkilä, NB Kopnin, GE Volovik
JETP letters 94, 233-239, 2011
Electron-phonon heat transfer in monolayer and bilayer graphene
JK Viljas, TT Heikkilä
Physical Review B 81 (24), 245404, 2010
Multimode circuit optomechanics near the quantum limit
F Massel, SU Cho, JM Pirkkalainen, PJ Hakonen, TT Heikkilä, ...
Nature communications 3, 987, 2012
Cavity optomechanics mediated by a quantum two-level system
JM Pirkkalainen, SU Cho, F Massel, J Tuorila, TT Heikkilä, PJ Hakonen, ...
Nature communications 6, 6981, 2015
Dimensional crossover in topological matter: Evolution of the multiple Dirac point in the layered system to the flat band on the surface
TT Heikkilä, GE Volovik
JETP letters 93, 59-65, 2011
Mean-field theory for superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene
TJ Peltonen, R Ojajärvi, TT Heikkilä
Physical Review B 98 (22), 220504, 2018
Colloquium: Nonequilibrium effects in superconductors with a spin-splitting field
FS Bergeret, M Silaev, P Virtanen, TT Heikkilä
Reviews of Modern Physics 90 (4), 041001, 2018
Superfluid weight and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature of twisted bilayer graphene
A Julku, TJ Peltonen, L Liang, TT Heikkilä, P Törmä
Physical Review B 101 (6), 060505, 2020
Predicted Very Large Thermoelectric Effect in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Junctions in the Presence of a Spin-Splitting Magnetic Field
A Ozaeta, P Virtanen, FS Bergeret, TT Heikkilä
Physical review letters 112 (5), 057001, 2014
Limitations in cooling electrons using normal-metal-superconductor tunnel junctions
JP Pekola, TT Heikkilä, AM Savin, JT Flyktman, F Giazotto, FWJ Hekking
Physical review letters 92 (5), 056804, 2004
Supercurrent-carrying density of states in diffusive mesoscopic Josephson weak links
TT Heikkilä, J Särkkä, FK Wilhelm
Physical Review B 66 (18), 184513, 2002
Enhancing optomechanical coupling via the Josephson effect
TT Heikkilä, F Massel, J Tuorila, R Khan, MA Sillanpää
Physical Review Letters 112 (20), 203603, 2014
Nexus and Dirac lines in topological materials
TT Heikkilä, GE Volovik
New Journal of Physics 17 (9), 093019, 2015
The Physics of Nanoelectronics: Transport and Fluctuation Phenomena at Low Temperatures
TT Heikkilä
Oxford University Press, 2013
Thermal, electric and spin transport in superconductor/ferromagnetic-insulator structures
TT Heikkilä, M Silaev, P Virtanen, FS Bergeret
Progress in Surface Science 94 (3), 100540, 2019
High-temperature surface superconductivity in rhombohedral graphite
NB Kopnin, M Ijäs, A Harju, TT Heikkilä
Physical Review B 87 (14), 140503, 2013
Wideband detection of the third moment of shot noise by a hysteretic josephson junction
AV Timofeev, M Meschke, JT Peltonen, TT Heikkilä, JP Pekola
Physical review letters 98 (20), 207001, 2007
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