Pachepsky Y
Pachepsky Y
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Soil water characteristic estimates by texture and organic matter for hydrologic solutions
KE Saxton, WJ Rawls
Soil science society of America Journal 70 (5), 1569-1578, 2006
Estimating generalized soil‐water characteristics from texture
KE Saxton, WJ Rawls, JS Romberger, RI Papendick
Soil science society of America Journal 50 (4), 1031-1036, 1986
Estimation of soil water properties
WJ Rawls, DL Brakensiek, KE Saxtonn
Transactions of the ASAE 25 (5), 1316-1320, 1982
FORUM paper: The significance of soils and soil science towards realization of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs)
SD Keesstra, J Bouma, J Wallinga, P Tittonell, P Smith, A Cerdà, ...
Soil Discussions 2016, 1-28, 2016
Development and use of a database of hydraulic properties of European soils
JHM Wösten, A Lilly, A Nemes, C Le Bas
Geoderma 90 (3-4), 169-185, 1999
Effect of soil organic carbon on soil water retention
WJ Rawls, YA Pachepsky, JC Ritchie, TM Sobecki, H Bloodworth
Geoderma 116 (1-2), 61-76, 2003
Pedotransfer functions: bridging the gap between available basic soil data and missing soil hydraulic characteristics
JHM Wösten, YA Pachepsky, WJ Rawls
Journal of hydrology 251 (3-4), 123-150, 2001
Prediction of soil water properties for hydrologic modeling.
WJ Rawls, DL Brakensiek
Infiltration and soil water movement.
WJ Rawls, LR Ahuja, DL Brakensiek, A Shirmohammadi
Modeling soil processes: Review, key challenges, and new perspectives
H Vereecken, A Schnepf, JW Hopmans, M Javaux, D Or, T Roose, ...
Vadose zone journal 15 (5), vzj2015. 09.0131, 2016
Using texture and other soil properties to predict the unsaturated soil hydraulic functions
JHM Wösten, MT Van Genuchten
Soil Science Society of America Journal 52 (6), 1762-1770, 1988
Artificial neural networks to estimate soil water retention from easily measurable data
YA Pachepsky, D Timlin, GY Varallyay
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 (3), 727-733, 1996
On the spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture at the field scale
H Vereecken, JA Huisman, Y Pachepsky, C Montzka, J Van Der Kruk, ...
Journal of Hydrology 516, 76-96, 2014
Using pedotransfer functions to estimate the van Genuchten–Mualem soil hydraulic properties: A review
H Vereecken, M Weynants, M Javaux, Y Pachepsky, MG Schaap, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 9 (4), 795-820, 2010
Estimating soil water retention from soil physical properties and characteristics
WJ Rawls, TJ Gish, DL Brakensiek
Advances in Soil Science: Volume 16, 213-234, 1991
Description of the unsaturated soil hydraulic database UNSODA version 2.0
A Nemes, MG Schaap, FJ Leij, JHM Wösten
Journal of hydrology 251 (3-4), 151-162, 2001
Estimating soil bulk density from particle size analysis and organic matter content1
WJ Rawls
Soil Science 135 (2), 123-125, 1983
Pedotransfer functions in Earth system science: Challenges and perspectives
K Van Looy, J Bouma, M Herbst, J Koestel, B Minasny, U Mishra, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 55 (4), 1199-1256, 2017
Use of soil texture, bulk density, and slope of the water retention curve to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity
WJ Rawls, D Gimenez, R Grossman
Transactions of the ASAE 41 (4), 983-988, 1998
Escherichia Coli and Fecal Coliforms in Freshwater and Estuarine Sediments
YA Pachepsky, DR Shelton
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 41 (12), 1067-1110, 2011
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