Temuulen Sankey
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UAV lidar and hyperspectral fusion for forest monitoring in the southwestern USA
T Sankey, J Donager, J McVay, JB Sankey
Remote Sensing of Environment 195, 30-43, 2017
UAV hyperspectral and lidar data and their fusion for arid and semi‐arid land vegetation monitoring
TT Sankey, J McVay, TL Swetnam, MP McClaran, P Heilman, M Nichols
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 4 (1), 20-33, 2018
MODIS phenology-derived, multi-year distribution of conterminous US crop types
R Massey, TT Sankey, RG Congalton, K Yadav, PS Thenkabail, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 198, 490-503, 2017
Climate, wildfire, and erosion ensemble foretells more sediment in western USA watersheds
JB Sankey, J Kreitler, TJ Hawbaker, JL McVay, ME Miller, ER Mueller, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (17), 8884-8892, 2017
Understanding the role of ecohydrological feedbacks in ecosystem state change in drylands
L Turnbull, BP Wilcox, J Belnap, S Ravi, P D'odorico, D Childers, ...
Ecohydrology 5 (2), 174-183, 2012
Quantifying plant-soil-nutrient dynamics in rangelands: Fusion of UAV hyperspectral-LiDAR, UAV multispectral-photogrammetry, and ground-based LiDAR-digital photography in a …
JB Sankey, TT Sankey, J Li, S Ravi, G Wang, J Caster, A Kasprak
Remote Sensing of Environment 253, 112223, 2021
Errors in LiDAR-derived shrub height and crown area on sloped terrain
NF Glenn, LP Spaete, TT Sankey, DR Derryberry, SP Hardegree, ...
Journal of Arid Environments 75 (4), 377-382, 2011
Evaluating unmanned aerial vehicle images for estimating forest canopy fuels in a ponderosa pine stand
P Shin, T Sankey, MM Moore, AE Thode
Remote Sensing 10 (8), 1266, 2018
Mapping and measuring aeolian sand dunes with photogrammetry and LiDAR from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and multispectral satellite imagery on the Paria Plateau, AZ, USA
D Solazzo, JB Sankey, TT Sankey, SM Munson
Geomorphology 319, 174-185, 2018
Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from remote sensing in support of food security in the twenty-first century: current achievements and future possibilities
P Teluguntla, PS Thenkabail, J Xiong, MK Gumma, C Giri, C Milesi, ...
Taylor & Francis 2, 01-45, 2015
Vegetation and slope effects on accuracy of a LiDAR-derived DEM in the sagebrush steppe
LP Spaete, NF Glenn, DR Derryberry, TT Sankey, JJ Mitchell, ...
Remote Sensing Letters 2 (4), 317-326, 2011
Remote sensing of sagebrush canopy nitrogen
JJ Mitchell, NF Glenn, TT Sankey, DWR Derryberry, MJ Germino
Remote sensing of environment 124, 217-223, 2012
Small-footprint LiDAR estimations of sagebrush canopy characteristics
JJ Mitchell, NF Glenn, TT Sankey, DWR Derryberry, MO Anderson, ...
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 77 (5), 521-530, 2011
Assessment of juniper encroachment with the use of satellite imagery and geospatial data
TT Sankey, MJ Germino
Rangeland Ecology & Management 61 (4), 412-418, 2008
Integrating cloud-based workflows in continental-scale cropland extent classification
R Massey, TT Sankey, K Yadav, RG Congalton, JC Tilton
Remote Sensing of Environment 219, 162-179, 2018
Lower forest–grassland ecotones and 20th century livestock herbivory effects in northern Mongolia
TT Sankey, C Montagne, L Graumlich, R Lawrence, J Nielsen
Forest Ecology and Management 233 (1), 36-44, 2006
NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Food Security-support Analysis Data (GFSAD) Cropland Extent 2015 Australia, New Zealand …
CS P. Teluguntla, P. Thenkabail, J. Xiong, M. Gumma, R. Congalton, A ..., 2017
UAV‐derived estimates of forest structure to inform ponderosa pine forest restoration
A Belmonte, T Sankey, JA Biederman, J Bradford, SJ Goetz, T Kolb, ...
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 6 (2), 181-197, 2020
Invasive buffelgrass detection using high‐resolution satellite and UAV imagery on Google Earth Engine
K Elkind, TT Sankey, SM Munson, CE Aslan
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 5 (4), 318-331, 2019
Fire effects on the spatial patterning of soil properties in sagebrush steppe, USA: a meta-analysis
JB Sankey, MJ Germino, TT Sankey, AN Hoover
International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (5), 545-556, 2012
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