Joe Zhu
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor with reduced torque ripple and commutation frequency
Y Zhang, J Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (1), 235-248, 2010
An improved direct torque control for three-level inverter-fed induction motor sensorless drive
Y Zhang, J Zhu, Z Zhao, W Xu, DG Dorrell
IEEE transactions on power electronics 27 (3), 1502-1513, 2010
A high-frequency link multilevel cascaded medium-voltage converter for direct grid integration of renewable energy systems
MR Islam, Y Guo, J Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (8), 4167-4182, 2013
Co-estimation of state-of-charge, capacity and resistance for lithium-ion batteries based on a high-fidelity electrochemical model
L Zheng, L Zhang, J Zhu, G Wang, J Jiang
Applied energy 180, 424-434, 2016
Incremental capacity analysis and differential voltage analysis based state of charge and capacity estimation for lithium-ion batteries
L Zheng, J Zhu, DDC Lu, G Wang, T He
Energy 150, 759-769, 2018
Experimental determination of stray capacitances in high frequency transformers
HY Lu, JG Zhu, SYR Hui
IEEE transactions on power electronics 18 (5), 1105-1112, 2003
Multi-objective design optimization of an IPMSM based on multilevel strategy
X Sun, Z Shi, G Lei, Y Guo, J Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (1), 139-148, 2020
Improved formulations for rotational core losses in rotating electrical machines
JG Zhu, VS Ramsden
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 34 (4), 2234-2242, 1998
A novel duty cycle control strategy to reduce both torque and flux ripples for DTC of permanent magnet synchronous motor drives with switching frequency reduction
Y Zhang, J Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (10), 3055-3067, 2011
A simple method to reduce torque ripple in direct torque-controlled permanent-magnet synchronous motor by using vectors with variable amplitude and angle
Y Zhang, J Zhu, W Xu, Y Guo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (7), 2848-2859, 2010
Comparative study of 3-D flux electrical machines with soft magnetic composite cores
YG Guo, JG Zhu, PA Watterson, W Wu
IEEE transactions on Industry Applications 39 (6), 1696-1703, 2003
A review of design optimization methods for electrical machines
G Lei, J Zhu, Y Guo, C Liu, B Ma
Energies 10 (12), 1962, 2017
Model predictive control of grid-connected inverters for PV systems with flexible power regulation and switching frequency reduction
J Hu, J Zhu, DG Dorrell
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (1), 587-594, 2014
System-level design optimization method for electrical drive systems—Robust approach
G Lei, T Wang, J Zhu, Y Guo, S Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (8), 4702-4713, 2015
Improved single-ended traveling-wave fault-location algorithm based on experience with conventional substation transducers
D Spoor, JG Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 21 (3), 1714-1720, 2006
Equivalent circuits for single-sided linear induction motors
W Xu, JG Zhu, Y Zhang, Z Li, Y Li, Y Wang, Y Guo, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 46 (6), 2410-2423, 2010
Analysis and design optimization of a permanent magnet synchronous motor for a campus patrol electric vehicle
X Sun, Z Shi, G Lei, Y Guo, J Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (11), 10535-10544, 2019
Short-term load forecasting based on LSTM networks considering attention mechanism
J Lin, J Ma, J Zhu, Y Cui
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 137, 107818, 2022
State feedback control for a PM hub motor based on gray wolf optimization algorithm
X Sun, C Hu, G Lei, Y Guo, J Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (1), 1136-1146, 2019
Virtual flux droop method—A new control strategy of inverters in microgrids
J Hu, J Zhu, DG Dorrell, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (9), 4704-4711, 2013
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