Jenelle Wallace, PhD
Jenelle Wallace, PhD
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Structural and molecular interrogation of intact biological systems
K Chung, J Wallace, SY Kim, S Kalyanasundaram, AS Andalman, ...
Nature 497 (7449), 332-337, 2013
Dynamics of retrieval strategies for remote memories
I Goshen, M Brodsky, R Prakash, J Wallace, V Gradinaru, ...
Cell, 2011
Pattern separation deficits may contribute to age-associated recognition impairments.
SN Burke, JL Wallace, S Nematollahi, AR Uprety, CA Barnes
Behavioral neuroscience 124 (5), 559, 2010
Age-associated deficits in pattern separation functions of the perirhinal cortex: a cross-species consensus.
SN Burke, JL Wallace, AL Hartzell, S Nematollahi, K Plange, CA Barnes
Behavioral neuroscience 125 (6), 836, 2011
Preparing for future learning with a tangible user interface: the case of neuroscience
RP Bertrand Schneider, Jenelle Wallace, Paulo Blikstein
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 6 (2), 117-129, 2013
The influence of objects on place field expression and size in distal hippocampal CA1
SN Burke, AP Maurer, S Nematollahi, AR Uprety, JL Wallace, CA Barnes
Hippocampus 21 (7), 783-801, 2011
Representation of three‐dimensional objects by the rat perirhinal cortex
SN Burke, AP Maurer, AL Hartzell, S Nematollahi, A Uprety, JL Wallace, ...
Hippocampus 22 (10), 2032-2044, 2012
Microglial depletion disrupts normal functional development of adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb
J Wallace, J Lord, L Dissing-Olesen, B Stevens, VN Murthy
Elife 9, e50531, 2020
Neuronal integration in the adult mouse olfactory bulb is a non-selective addition process
JC Platel, A Angelova, S Bugeon, J Wallace, T Ganay, I Chudotvorova, ...
Elife 8, e44830, 2019
Advanced age dissociates dual functions of the perirhinal cortex
SN Burke, AP Maurer, S Nematollahi, A Uprety, JL Wallace, CA Barnes
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (2), 467-480, 2014
Development and refinement of functional properties of adult-born neurons
JL Wallace, M Wienisch, VN Murthy
Neuron 96 (4), 883-896. e7, 2017
Human neuronal maturation comes of age: cellular mechanisms and species differences
JL Wallace, AA Pollen
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 25 (1), 7-29, 2024
How neuroscience labs can limit their environmental impact
JD Zak, J Wallace, VN Murthy
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 21 (7), 347-348, 2020
The genetic symphony underlying evolution of the brain’s prefrontal cortex
JL Wallace, AA Pollen
Nature 598 (7881), 417-418, 2021
BrainExplorer: an innovative tool for teaching neuroscience
B Schneider, J Wallace, R Pea, P Blikstein
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Interactive …, 2012
Rev or restrain: Mechanisms of human-specific synaptic neoteny
JL Wallace, AA Pollen
Neuron 112 (21), 3519-3521, 2024
Interspecies Organoids Reveal Human-Specific Molecular Features of Dopaminergic Neuron Development and Vulnerability
S Nolbrant, JL Wallace, J Ding, T Zhu, JL Sevetson, J Kajtez, IA Baldacci, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.11. 14.623592, 2024
Functional development of adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb
J Wallace
Harvard University, 2020
Microglia are necessary for normal functional development of adult-born neurons in the olfactory bulb
J Wallace, J Lord, L Dissing-Olesen, B Stevens, V Murthy
bioRxiv, 714337, 2019
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