Joachim Rudolph
Joachim Rudolph
Professor, Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik, Universität des Saarlandes
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Flatness based control of distributed parameter systems
J Rudolph
Shaker, 2003
Flatness based control of a nonlinear chemical reactor model
R Rothfuss, J Rudolph, M Zeitz
Automatica 32 (10), 1433-1439, 1996
Flachheit: ein neuer Zugang zur Steuerung und Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme (Flatness: A new approach to control of nonlinear systems)
R Rothfuß, J Rudolph, M Zeitz
Automatisierungstechnik 45 (11), 517-525, 1997
On some nonlinear current controllers for three-phase boost rectifiers
A Gensior, H Sira-Ramírez, J Rudolph, H Guldner
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 56 (2), 360-370, 2008
Flatness based control of distributed parameter systems: Examples and computer exercises from various technological domains
J Rudolph, J Winkler, F Woittennek
Shaker, 2003
Control of flat systems by quasi-static feedback of generalized states
E Delaleau, J Rudolph
International Journal of Control 71 (5), 745-765, 1998
Flatness-based boundary control of a class of quasilinear parabolic distributed parameter systems
AF Lynch, J Rudolph
International Journal of Control 75 (15), 1219-1230, 2002
Systèmes linéaires sur les opérateurs de Mikusinski et commande d'une poutre flexible
M Fliess, H Mounier, P Rouchon, J Rudolph
Esaim: Proceedings 2, 183-193, 1997
A block triangular nonlinear observer normal form
J Rudolph, M Zeitz
Systems & Control Letters 23 (1), 1-8, 1994
Flatness-based control of nonlinear delay systems: A chemical reactor example
H Mounier, J Rudolph
International Journal of Control 71 (5), 871-890, 1998
Theory and practice in the motion planning and control of a flexible robot arm using Mikusinski operators
Y Aoustin, M Fliess, H Mounier, P Rouchon, J Rudolph
Proc. of the Fifth IFAC Symposium on Robot Control 2, 287-293, 1997
Tracking control of a vibrating string with an interior mass viewed as delay system
H Mounier, J Rudolph, M Fliess, P Rouchon
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 3, 315-321, 1998
On Differential Flatness, Trajectory Planning, Observers, and Stabilization for DC-DC Converters
A Gensior, O Woywode, J Rudolph, H Guldner
Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on 53 (9), 2000-2010, 2006
A distributed parameter approach to the control of a tubular reactor: a multivariable case
M Fliess, H Mounier, P Rouchon, J Rudolph
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 1998
Controllability and motion planning for linear delay systems with an application to a flexible rod
M Fliess, H Mounier, P Rouchon, J Rudolph
Proceedings of 1995 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2, 2046-2051, 1995
Nonlinear model-based control of the Czochralski process I: Motivation, modeling and feedback controller design
J Winkler, M Neubert, J Rudolph
Journal of Crystal Growth 312 (7), 1005-1018, 2010
A model-based control scheme for modular multilevel converters
H Bärnklau, A Gensior, J Rudolph
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (12), 5359-5375, 2012
Invariant tracking
P Martin, P Rouchon, J Rudolph
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 10 (1), 1-13, 2004
Invariant tracking and stabilization: problem formulation and examples
P Rouchon, J Rudolph
Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems, 261-273, 2000
A flexible rod as a linear delay system
H Mounier, J Rudolph, M Petitot, M Fliess
Proc. of the 3rd European Control Conf, 3676-3681, 1995
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