Pawan Harish
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Cited by
Accelerating large graph algorithms on the GPU using CUDA
P Harish, PJ Narayanan
International conference on high-performance computing, 197-208, 2007
Fast minimum spanning tree for large graphs on the GPU
V Vineet, P Harish, S Patidar, PJ Narayanan
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Graphics 2009, 167-171, 2009
Large graph algorithms for massively multithreaded architectures
P Harish, V Vineet, PJ Narayanan
International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, Tech. Rep. IIIT …, 2009
Garuda: A scalable tiled display wall using commodity PCs
N Nirnimesh, P Harish, PJ Narayanan
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (5), 864-877, 2007
Parallel inverse kinematics for multithreaded architectures
P Harish, M Mahmudi, BL Callennec, R Boulic
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (2), 1-13, 2016
A view-dependent, polyhedral 3D display
P Harish, PJ Narayanan
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum …, 2009
Culling an object hierarchy to a frustum hierarchy
Nirnimesh, P Harish, PJ Narayanan
Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing: 5th Indian Conference …, 2006
Designing perspectively correct multiplanar displays
P Harish, PJ Narayanan
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (3), 407-419, 2012
Artist-oriented 3D character posing from 2D strokes
M Mahmudi, P Harish, B Le Callennec, R Boulic
Computers & Graphics 57, 81-91, 2016
Fast minimum spanning tree computation
P Harish, PJ Narayanan, V Vineet, S Patidar
GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition, 77-88, 2012
Fulvestrant: One step at a time?
P Harish, P Narayanan
Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment 3 (2), 300-301, 2020
Anatomy Teacher’s Perspectives on Using AnaVu: A Novel Low-resource Stereoscopic Projection System for Neuroanatomy Education
DG Yohannan, AM Oommen, NK Raju, B Thomas, JE Rajan, ...
National Journal of Clinical Anatomy 12 (4), 195-200, 2023
“Visualization matters” – stereoscopic visualization of 3D graphic neuroanatomic models through AnaVu enhances basic recall and radiologic anatomy learning …
DG Yohannan, AM Oommen, AS Kumar, S Devanand, MR Ut, N Sajan, ...
BMC Medical Education 24 (1), 932, 2024
AnaVu: A scalable Anatomical 3D visualization system for classroom teaching
P Harish, J Sivaswamy, P Srivastava, DG Yohannan, S Bandi, ...
2023 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for …, 2023
Sketch-based per-frame inverse kinematics.
M Mahmudi, P Harish, B Le Callennec, R Boulic
Symposium on Computer Animation (Posters), 3:1, 2016
Computational Displays
P Harish
International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, 2013
Increasing intensity resolution on a single display using spatio-temporal mixing
P Harish, P Sakurikar, PJ Narayanan
Proceedings of the Eighth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and …, 2012
Short paper: view dependent rendering to simple parametric display surfaces
P Harish, PJ Narayanan
Proceedings of the 17th Eurographics conference on Virtual Environments …, 2011
Computational Displays On Enhancing Displays Using Computation
P Harish
Hyderabad, 0
R Boulic, S Bovet, CL Coscia, MG Delahaye, H Galvan Debarba, ...
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Articles 1–20