Mehmet Gumus
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Cited by
Supply-side story: Risks, guarantees, competition, and information asymmetry
M Gümüş, S Ray, H Gurnani
Management Science 58 (9), 1694-1714, 2012
Pricing and manufacturing decisions when demand is a function of prices in multiple periods
H Ahn, M Gümüş, P Kaminsky
Operations Research 55 (6), 1039-1057, 2007
Shipping fees or shipping free? A tale of two price partitioning strategies in online retailing
M Gümüş, S Li, W Oh, S Ray
Production and operations management 22 (4), 758-776, 2013
Returns policies between channel partners for durable products
M Gümüş, S Ray, S Yin
Marketing Science 32 (4), 622-643, 2013
Quality at the source or at the end? Managing supplier quality under information asymmetry
ME Nikoofal, M Gümüş
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20 (3), 498-516, 2018
With or Without Forecast Sharing: Competition and Credibility under Information Asymmetry
M Gumus
Production and Operations Management, 2011
United we stand or divided we stand? Strategic supplier alliances under order default risk
X Huang, T Boyacı, M Gümüş, S Ray, D Zhang
Management Science 62 (5), 1297-1315, 2016
Value of audit for supply chains with hidden action and information
ME Nikoofal, M Gümüş
European Journal of Operational Research 285 (3), 902-915, 2020
Optimal procurement strategy under supply risk
H Gurnani, M Gümüş, S Ray, T Ray
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 29 (01), 1240006, 2012
Online-exclusive or hybrid? Channel merchandising strategies for ship-to-store implementation
N Ertekin, M Gümüş, ME Nikoofal
Management Science 68 (8), 5828-5846, 2022
Designing risk‐adjusted therapy for patients with hypertension
M Zargoush, M Gümüş, V Verter, SS Daskalopoulou
Production and Operations Management 27 (12), 2291-2312, 2018
The impact of product substitution and retail capacity on the timing and depth of price promotions: Theory and evidence
M Gümüş, P Kaminsky, S Mathur
International Journal of Production Research 54 (7), 2108-2135, 2016
A multi-stage decomposition heuristic for the container stowage problem
M Gumus, P Kaminsky, E Tiemroth, M Ayik
Proceedings of the 2008 MSOM Conference, 2008
A single-resource revenue management problem with random resource consumptions
W Zhuang, M Gumus, D Zhang
Journal of the Operational Research Society 63 (9), 1213-1227, 2012
Joint procurement and demand-side bidding strategies under price volatility
X Nie, T Boyacı, M Gümüş, S Ray, D Zhang
Annals of Operations Research 257, 121-165, 2017
On the value of terrorist’s private information in a government’s defensive resource allocation problem
ME Nikoofal, M Gümüs
IIE Transactions 47 (6), 533-555, 2015
Supply diagnostic incentives under endogenous information asymmetry
ME Nikoofal, M Gümüş
Production and Operations Management 28 (3), 588-609, 2019
Inventory, discounts, and the timing effect
HS Ahn, M Gümüş, P Kaminsky
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11 (4), 613-629, 2009
An Empirical Analysis of Intra‐Firm Product Substitutability in Fashion Retailing
E Ergin, M Gümüş, N Yang
Production and Operations Management 31 (2), 607-621, 2022
Supply competition under quality scores: motivations, information sharing and credibility
H Alibeiki, M Gümüş
International Journal of Production Economics 226, 107612, 2020
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Articles 1–20