Y. Elakneswaran
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Electrokinetic potential of hydrated cement in relation to adsorption of chlorides
Y Elakneswaran, T Nawa, K Kurumisawa
Cement and Concrete Research 39 (4), 340-344, 2009
Ion-cement hydrate interactions govern multi-ionic transport model for cementitious materials
Y Elakneswaran, A Iwasa, T Nawa, T Sato, K Kurumisawa
Cement and concrete research 40 (12), 1756-1765, 2010
Zeta potential study of paste blends with slag
Y Elakneswaran, T Nawa, K Kurumisawa
Cement and Concrete Composites 31 (1), 72-76, 2009
Predicting the electrokinetic properties of the crude oil/brine interface for enhanced oil recovery in low salinity water flooding
M Takeya, M Shimokawara, Y Elakneswaran, T Nawa, S Takahashi
Fuel 235, 822-831, 2019
Hydration study of slag-blended cement based on thermodynamic considerations
Y Elakneswaran, E Owaki, S Miyahara, M Ogino, T Maruya, T Nawa
Construction and building materials 124, 615-625, 2016
Adsorption behaviour of simulant radionuclide cations and anions in metakaolin-based geopolymer
X Niu, Y Elakneswaran, CR Islam, JL Provis, T Sato
Journal of hazardous materials 429, 128373, 2022
Electrostatic properties of C–S–H and CASH for predicting calcium and chloride adsorption
S Yoshida, Y Elakneswaran, T Nawa
Cement and Concrete Composites 121, 104109, 2021
Crude oil/brine/rock interface in low salinity waterflooding: Experiments, triple-layer surface complexation model, and DLVO theory
M Takeya, A Ubaidah, M Shimokawara, H Okano, T Nawa, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 188, 106913, 2020
Characteristics of ferrite-rich Portland cement: Comparison with ordinary Portland cement
Y Elakneswaran, N Noguchi, K Matumoto, Y Morinaga, T Chabayashi, ...
Frontiers in Materials 6, 97, 2019
Development and verification of an integrated physicochemical and geochemical modelling framework for performance assessment of cement-based materials
Y Elakneswaran, T Ishida
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 12 (4), 111-126, 2014
A two-stage model for the prediction of mechanical properties of cement paste
S Krishnya, Y Yoda, Y Elakneswaran
Cement and Concrete Composites 115, 103853, 2021
Hydration of ferrite-rich Portland cement: evaluation of Fe-hydrates and Fe uptake in calcium-silicate-hydrates
N Noguchi, K Siventhirarajah, T Chabayashi, H Kato, T Nawa, ...
Construction and building materials 288, 123142, 2021
Influence of surface charge on ingress of chloride ion in hardened pastes
Y Elakneswaran, T Nawa, K Kurumisawa
Materials and Structures 42, 83-93, 2009
Detecting pH and Ca2+ increase during low salinity waterflooding in carbonate reservoirs: Implications for wettability alteration process
Y Chen, A Ubaidah, Y Elakneswaran, VJ Niasar, Q Xie
Journal of Molecular Liquids 317, 114003, 2020
A model for a long-term diffusion of multispecies in concrete based on ion–cement-hydrate interaction
OP Kari, Y Elakneswaran, T Nawa, J Puttonen
Journal of Materials Science 48, 4243-4259, 2013
A systematic review and assessment of concrete strength prediction models
M Nithurshan, Y Elakneswaran
Case Studies in Construction Materials 18, e01830, 2023
Effect of acid number on the electrokinetic properties of crude oil during low-salinity waterflooding
M Takeya, M Shimokawara, Y Elakneswaran, H Okano, T Nawa
Energy & Fuels 33 (5), 4211-4218, 2019
Modeling of hydration products and strength development for high-volume fly ash binders
S Krishnya, C Herath, Y Elakneswaran, C Gunasekara, DW Law, ...
Construction and Building Materials 320, 126228, 2022
Encapsulation of Sr-loaded titanate spent adsorbents in potassium aluminosilicate geopolymer
N Soonthornwiphat, Y Kobayashi, K Toda, K Kuroda, CR Islam, T Otake, ...
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 57 (10), 1181-1188, 2020
Influence of Surface Electrical Properties of C-S-H on Chloride Binding in Slag-Blended Cementitious Materials
TN Yogaraja, Elakneswaran, Kurumisawa, Kiyofumi
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (5), 1-7, 2018
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