Wang Yifan
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Cited by
Fluid–structure interaction between pulsatile blood flow and a curved stented coronary artery on a beating heart: A four stent computational study
M Bukač, S Čanić, J Tambača, Y Wang
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 350, 679-700, 2019
A coupled multiphysics model and a decoupled stabilized finite element method for the closed-loop geothermal system
M Abdullah Al Mahbub, X He, NJ Nasu, C Qiu, Y Wang, H Zheng
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (4), B951-B982, 2020
A higher-order discontinuous Galerkin/arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian partitioned approach to solving fluid–structure interaction problems with incompressible, viscous fluids and …
Y Wang, A Quaini, S Čanić
Journal of Scientific Computing 76, 481-520, 2018
Quantifying hydrodynamic collective states of magnetic colloidal spinners and rollers
Y Wang, S Canic, G Kokot, A Snezhko, IS Aranson
Physical Review Fluids 4 (1), 013701, 2019
Spectral element modeling of sediment transport in shear flows
D Liu, Q Chen, Y Wang
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 200 (17-20), 1691-1707, 2011
A next-generation mathematical model for drug-eluting stents
S Čanić, Y Wang, M Bukac
SIAM journal on applied mathematics 81 (4), 1503-1529, 2021
3D experimental and computational analysis of eccentric mitral regurgitant jets in a mock imaging heart chamber
Y Wang, A Quaini, S Čanić, M Vukicevic, SH Little
Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 8, 419-438, 2017
Analysis of a linear 3D fluid–mesh–shell interaction problem
S Čanić, M Galić, M Ljulj, B Muha, J Tambača, Y Wang
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 70, 1-38, 2019
A sixth order accuracy solution to a system of nonlinear differential equations with coupled compact method
D Liu, Q Chen, Y Wang
Journal of Computational Engineering 2013 (1), 432192, 2013
Mathematical and computational modeling of poroelastic cell scaffolds used in the design of an implantable bioartificial pancreas
Y Wang, S Čanić, M Bukač, C Blaha, S Roy
Fluids 7 (7), 222, 2022
Prediction of meningitis outbreaks in Nigeria using machine learning algorithms
X Tian, Q Xu, Y Wang
Proceedings of the 2019 2nd Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing …, 2019
Mesh-free GPU simulation of complex flows in three dimensional distorting domain
D Liu, Y Wang, W Ma, H Zhang
Int. J. Sci. Innovative Math. Res 3 (1), 6-17, 2015
Spectral Nodal Element Simulation o f Conjugate Heat and Mass Transfer: Natural Convection Subject to Chemica l Reaction Along A Circular Cylinder
Y Wang, D Liu, H Zhang
International Journal of Computer Scienc e and Application 3, 20-24, 2014
Aspirin’s effect on kinetic parameters of cells contributes to its role in reducing incidence of advanced colorectal adenomas, shown by a multiscale computational study
Y Wang, CR Boland, A Goel, D Wodarz, NL Komarova
Elife 11, e71953, 2022
High Order Numerical Solutions to Convection Diffusion Equations with Different Approaches
D Liu, Y Wang
J Appl Computat Math 4 (208), 2, 2015
Spectral Element Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion System in the Neuromuscular Junction
D Liu, Y Wang, MA DeCoster
J Appl Computat Math 2 (136), 2, 2013
A partitioned scheme for fluid-structure interaction with multilayered poroelastic media
A Scharf, S Canic, Y Wang
draft form, 2024
Numerical solutions for problems with complex physics in complex geometry
Y Wang
Louisiana Tech University, 2014
Validation of a Microfluidic Device Prototype for Cancer Detection and Identification: Circulating Tumor Cells Classification Based on Cell Trajectory Analysis Leveraging Cell …
R Rejuan, E Aulisa, W Li, T Thompson, S Kumar, S Canic, Y Wang
bioRxiv, 2024
The protective effect of aspirin in colorectal carcinogenesis: a multiscale computational study from mutant evolution to age incidence curves
Y Wang, CR Boland, A Goel, D Wodarz, NL Komarova
bioRxiv, 2021.05. 11.443671, 2021
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Articles 1–20