Bruce Pearson
Bruce Pearson
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Measurements of the turbulent energy dissipation rate
BR Pearson, PÅ Krogstad, W van de Water
Physics of fluids 14 (3), 1288-1290, 2002
Reynolds-number dependence of turbulent velocity and pressure increments
BR Pearson, RA Antonia
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 444, 343-382, 2001
Delayed correlation between turbulent energy injection and dissipation
BR Pearson, TA Yousef, NEL Haugen, A Brandenburg, PÅ Krogstad
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (5 …, 2004
Identifying turbulent energy distributions in real, rather than Fourier, space
PA Davidson, BR Pearson
Physical review letters 95 (21), 214501, 2005
Effect of initial conditions on the mean energy dissipation rate and the scaling exponent
RA Antonia, BR Pearson
Physical Review E 62 (6), 8086, 2000
Reynolds number dependence of second-order velocity structure functions
RA Antonia, BR Pearson, T Zhou
Physics of Fluids 12 (11), 3000-3006, 2000
Scaling exponents for turbulent velocity and temperature increments
RA Antonia, BR Pearson
Europhysics Letters 40 (2), 123, 1997
Stochastic energy-cascade model for (1+ 1)-dimensional fully developed turbulence
J Schmiegel, J Cleve, HC Eggers, BR Pearson, M Greiner
Physics Letters A 320 (4), 247-253, 2004
Intermittency exponent of the turbulent energy cascade
J Cleve, M Greiner, BR Pearson, KR Sreenivasan
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (6 …, 2004
The response of a turbulent boundary layer to a square groove
BR Pearson, R Elavarasan, RA Antonia
Effect of a short roughness strip on a turbulent boundary layer
BR Pearson, R Elavarasan, RA Antonia
Applied scientific research 59 (1), 61-75, 1997
Comparison between temporal and spatial transverse velocity increments in a turbulent plane jet
T Zhou, BR Pearson, RA Antonia
Fluid Dynamics Research 28 (2), 127, 2001
Experiments on small-scale turbulence
BR Pearson
Ph. D. Thesis, the university of Newcastle, 1999
Low-order velocity structure functions in relatively high Reynolds number turbulence
RA Antonia, BR Pearson
Europhysics Letters 48 (2), 163, 1999
Inverse structure functions
BR Pearson, W van de Water
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (3 …, 2005
Finite-size scaling of two-point statistics and the turbulent energy cascade generators
J Cleve, T Dziekan, J Schmiegel, OE Barndorff-Nielsen, BR Pearson, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (2 …, 2005
Reynolds number dependence of velocity structure functions in a turbulent pipe flow
RA Antonia, BR Pearson
Flow, turbulence and combustion 64, 95-117, 2000
Visualization of near wall region in a turbulent boundary layer over transverse square cavities with different spacing
R Elavarasan, BR Pearson, RE Antonia
Proceedings of the 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney …, 1995
Velocity structure functions in a turbulent plane jet
BR Pearson, R Antonia
Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, 11 th, Grenoble, France, 1997
Relative scaling exponents of n-th–order velocity and temperature structure functions
BR Pearson, T Zhou, RA Antonia
Europhysics Letters 44 (2), 156, 1998
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Articles 1–20