Jaap van Rijn
Jaap van Rijn
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Denitrification in recirculating systems: theory and applications
J Van Rijn, Y Tal, HJ Schreier
Aquacultural engineering 34 (3), 364-376, 2006
Waste treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems
J Van Rijn
Aquacultural Engineering 53, 49-56, 2013
The potential for integrated biological treatment systems in recirculating fish culture—a review
J Van Rijn
Aquaculture 139 (3-4), 181-201, 1996
Steps in the construction of underwater coral nursery, an essential component in reef restoration acts
S Shafir, J Van Rijn, B Rinkevich
Marine Biology 149 (3), 679-687, 2006
Influence of volatile fatty acids on nitrite accumulation by a Pseudomonas stutzeri strain isolated from a denitrifying fluidized bed reactor
J Van Rijn, Y Tal, Y Barak
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62 (7), 2615-2620, 1996
Design and performance of a zero-discharge tilapia recirculating system
N Shnel, Y Barak, T Ezer, Z Dafni, J van Rijn
Aquacultural engineering 26 (3), 191-203, 2002
Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling and transformations in a prototype'non-polluting'integrated mariculture system, Eilat, Israel
MD Krom, S Ellner, J Van Rijn, A Neori
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 25-36, 1995
Nitrosomonas Nm143-like ammonia oxidizers and Nitrospira marina-like nitrite oxidizers dominate the nitrifier community in a marine aquaculture biofilm
BU Foesel, A Gieseke, C Schwermer, P Stief, L Koch, E Cytryn, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 63 (2), 192-204, 2008
The use of hydrous iron (III) oxides for the removal of hydrogen sulphide in aqueous systems
SW Poulton, MD Krom, J Van Rijn, R Raiswell
Water research 36 (4), 825-834, 2002
Aerobic and anaerobic biofiltration in an aquaculture unit—nitrite accumulation as a result of nitrification and denitrification
J van Rijn, G Rivera
Aquacultural engineering 9 (4), 217-234, 1990
Phosphorus removal in a marine prototype, recirculating aquaculture system
Y Barak, E Cytryn, I Gelfand, M Krom, J Van Rijn
Aquaculture 220 (1-4), 313-326, 2003
Identification of conditions underlying production of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in a recirculating system
L Guttman, J van Rijn
Aquaculture 279 (1-4), 85-91, 2008
Short and long term toxicity of crude oil and oil dispersants to two representative coral species
S Shafir, J Van Rijn, B Rinkevich
Environmental science & technology 41 (15), 5571-5574, 2007
Atypical Polyphosphate Accumulation by the Denitrifying Bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans
Y Barak, J van Rijn
Applied and environmental microbiology 66 (3), 1209-1212, 2000
Performance of a treatment system for inorganic nitrogen removal in intensive aquaculture systems
R Arbiv, J van Rijn
Aquacultural Engineering 14 (2), 189-203, 1995
A novel zero discharge intensive seawater recirculating system for the culture of marine fish
I Gelfand, Y Barak, Z Even‐Chen, E Cytryn, J Van Rijn, MD Krom, A Neori
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 34 (3), 344-358, 2003
Biological phosphate removal in a prototype recirculating aquaculture treatment system
Y Barak, J van Rijn
Aquacultural Engineering 22 (1-2), 121-136, 2000
Identification of bacteria potentially responsible for oxic and anoxic sulfide oxidation in biofilters of a recirculating mariculture system
E Cytryn, J van Rijn, A Schramm, A Gieseke, D de Beer, D Minz
Applied and environmental microbiology 71 (10), 6134-6141, 2005
Abundance, diversity and seasonal dynamics of predatory bacteria in aquaculture zero discharge systems
PP Kandel, Z Pasternak, J van Rijn, O Nahum, E Jurkevitch
FEMS microbiology ecology 89 (1), 149-161, 2014
2-Methylisoborneol and geosmin uptake by organic sludge derived from a recirculating aquaculture system
L Guttman, J van Rijn
Water research 43 (2), 474-480, 2009
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