Muhammad Muniruzzaman
Muhammad Muniruzzaman
Senior Scientist, Geological Survey of Finland
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Modeling multicomponent ionic transport in groundwater with IPhreeqc coupling: Electrostatic interactions and geochemical reactions in homogeneous and heterogeneous domains
M Muniruzzaman, M Rolle
Advances in Water Resources 98, 1-15, 2016
Modeling electrokinetic transport and biogeochemical reactions in porous media: A multidimensional Nernst–Planck–Poisson approach with PHREEQC coupling
R Sprocati, M Masi, M Muniruzzaman, M Rolle
Advances in water resources 127, 134-147, 2019
Nernst‐Planck‐based description of transport, coulombic interactions, and geochemical reactions in porous media: Modeling approach and benchmark experiments
M Rolle, R Sprocati, M Masi, B Jin, M Muniruzzaman
Water Resources Research 54 (4), 3176-3195, 2018
Coulombic effects in advection-dominated transport of electrolytes in porous media: Multicomponent ionic dispersion
M Rolle, M Muniruzzaman, CM Haberer, P Grathwohl
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 120, 195-205, 2013
Experimental investigation of the impact of compound‐specific dispersion and electrostatic interactions on transient transport and solute breakthrough
M Muniruzzaman, M Rolle
Water Resources Research 53 (2), 1189-1209, 2017
Multicomponent ionic dispersion during transport of electrolytes in heterogeneous porous media: Experiments and model-based interpretation
M Muniruzzaman, CM Haberer, P Grathwohl, M Rolle
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 656-669, 2014
Arsenic release and transport during oxidative dissolution of spatially-distributed sulfide minerals
M Battistel, L Stolze, M Muniruzzaman, M Rolle
Journal of Hazardous Materials 409, 124651, 2021
Impact of multicomponent ionic transport on pH fronts propagation in saturated porous media
M Muniruzzaman, M Rolle
Water Resources Research 51 (8), 6739-6755, 2015
Multicomponent ionic transport modeling in physically and electrostatically heterogeneous porous media with PhreeqcRM coupling for geochemical reactions
M Muniruzzaman, M Rolle
Water Resources Research 55 (12), 11121-11143, 2019
Diffusive–dispersive and reactive fronts in porous media: Iron (ii) oxidation at the unsaturated–saturated interface
CM Haberer, M Muniruzzaman, P Grathwohl, M Rolle
Vadose Zone Journal 14 (5), 1-14, 2015
Multiphase and multicomponent simulation of acid mine drainage in unsaturated mine waste: Modeling approach, benchmarks and application examples
M Muniruzzaman, T Karlsson, N Ahmadi, M Rolle
Applied Geochemistry 120, 104677, 2020
Reactive fronts in chemically heterogeneous porous media: Experimental and modeling investigation of pyrite oxidation
M Battistel, M Muniruzzaman, F Onses, J Lee, M Rolle
Applied Geochemistry 100, 77-89, 2019
Start-up of a “zero-discharge” recirculating aquaculture system using woodchip denitrification, constructed wetland, and sand infiltration
JT Pulkkinen, AK Ronkanen, A Pasanen, S Kiani, T Kiuru, J Koskela, ...
Aquacultural Engineering 93, 102161, 2021
Mechanistic models supporting uncertainty quantification of water quality predictions in heterogeneous mining waste rocks: a review
M Muniruzzaman, D Pedretti
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 35 (5), 985-1001, 2021
Impact of diffuse layer processes on contaminant forward and back diffusion in heterogeneous sandy-clayey domains
M Muniruzzaman, M Rolle
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 237, 103754, 2021
Weathering of unsaturated waste rocks from Kevitsa and Hitura mines: Pilot-scale lysimeter experiments and reactive transport modeling
M Muniruzzaman, T Karlsson, N Ahmadi, PM Kauppila, T Kauppila, ...
Applied Geochemistry 130, 104984, 2021
Water quality prediction of mining waste facilities based on predictive models
M Muniruzzaman, PM Kauppila, T Karlsson
Geol Surv Finl Open File Res Rep 16, 67, 2018
Refining the conceptual model for radionuclide mobility in groundwater in the vicinity of a Hungarian granitic complex using geochemical modeling
P Baják, K Csondor, D Pedretti, M Muniruzzaman, H Surbeck, B Izsák, ...
Applied Geochemistry 137, 105201, 2022
Impact of submarine groundwater discharge on biogeochemistry and microbial communities in pockmarks
L Purkamo, CME von Ahn, T Jilbert, M Muniruzzaman, HW Bange, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 334, 14-44, 2022
Challenges in predicting the reactivity of mine waste rocks based on kinetic testing: Humidity cell tests and reactive transport modeling
M Pieretti, T Karlsson, S Arvilommi, M Muniruzzaman
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 237, 106996, 2022
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