Liqun Luo
Liqun Luo
Professor of Biology, Stanford University
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A global double‐fluorescent Cre reporter mouse
MD Muzumdar, B Tasic, K Miyamichi, L Li, L Luo
genesis 45 (9), 593-605, 2007
Mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker for studies of gene function in neuronal morphogenesis
T Lee, L Luo
Neuron 22 (3), 451-461, 1999
Rho GTPases in neuronal morphogenesis
L Luo
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 1 (3), 173-180, 2000
Distinct morphogenetic functions of similar small GTPases: Drosophila Drac1 is involved in axonal outgrowth and myoblast fusion.
L Luo, YJ Liao, LY Jan, YN Jan
Genes & development 8 (15), 1787-1802, 1994
Circuit architecture of VTA dopamine neurons revealed by systematic input-output mapping
KT Beier, EE Steinberg, KE DeLoach, S Xie, K Miyamichi, L Schwarz, ...
Cell 162 (3), 622-634, 2015
Mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker (MARCM) for Drosophila neural development
T Lee, L Luo
Trends in neurosciences 24 (5), 251-254, 2001
Axon retraction and degeneration in development and disease
L Luo, DDM O'Leary
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 28 (1), 127-156, 2005
Long-range and local circuits for top-down modulation of visual cortex processing
S Zhang, M Xu, T Kamigaki, JP Hoang Do, WC Chang, S Jenvay, ...
science 345 (6197), 660-665, 2014
Genetic dissection of neural circuits
L Luo, EM Callaway, K Svoboda
Neuron 57 (5), 634-660, 2008
Small GTPases Rac and Rho in the maintenance of dendritic spines and branches in hippocampal pyramidal neurons
AY Nakayama, MB Harms, L Luo
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (14), 5329-5338, 2000
Actin cytoskeleton regulation in neuronal morphogenesis and structural plasticity
L Luo
Annual review of cell and developmental biology 18 (1), 601-635, 2002
Development of the Drosophila mushroom bodies: sequential generation of three distinct types of neurons from a neuroblast
T Lee, A Lee, L Luo
Development 126 (18), 4065-4076, 1999
Intact-brain analyses reveal distinct information carried by SNc dopamine subcircuits
TN Lerner, C Shilyansky, TJ Davidson, KE Evans, KT Beier, KA Zalocusky, ...
Cell 162 (3), 635-647, 2015
Mosaic analysis with double markers reveals tumor cell of origin in glioma
C Liu, JC Sage, MR Miller, RGW Verhaak, S Hippenmeyer, H Vogel, ...
Cell 146 (2), 209-221, 2011
Viral-genetic tracing of the input–output organization of a central noradrenaline circuit
LA Schwarz, K Miyamichi, XJ Gao, KT Beier, B Weissbourd, KE DeLoach, ...
Nature 524 (7563), 88-92, 2015
Comprehensive maps of Drosophila higher olfactory centers: spatially segregated fruit and pheromone representation
GSXE Jefferis, CJ Potter, AM Chan, EC Marin, T Rohlfing, CR Maurer, ...
Cell 128 (6), 1187-1203, 2007
Permanent genetic access to transiently active neurons via TRAP: targeted recombination in active populations
CJ Guenthner, K Miyamichi, HH Yang, HC Heller, L Luo
Neuron 78 (5), 773-784, 2013
Drosophila Rho-associated kinase (Drok) links Frizzled-mediated planar cell polarity signaling to the actin cytoskeleton
CG Winter, B Wang, A Ballew, A Royou, R Karess, JD Axelrod, L Luo
Cell 105 (1), 81-91, 2001
The Q system: a repressible binary system for transgene expression, lineage tracing, and mosaic analysis
CJ Potter, B Tasic, EV Russler, L Liang, L Luo
Cell 141 (3), 536-548, 2010
Mosaic analysis with double markers in mice
H Zong, JS Espinosa, HH Su, MD Muzumdar, L Luo
Cell 121 (3), 479-492, 2005
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