Delay-dependent guaranteed cost control for TS fuzzy systems with time delays XP Guan, CL Chen IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems 12 (2), 236-249, 2004 | 667 | 2004 |
Residential power scheduling for demand response in smart grid K Ma, T Yao, J Yang, X Guan International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 78, 320-325, 2016 | 301 | 2016 |
Robust backstepping control for a class of time delayed systems C Hua, X Guan, P Shi IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50 (6), 894-899, 2005 | 298 | 2005 |
Adaptive control for chaotic systems C Hua, X Guan Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 22 (1), 55-60, 2004 | 277 | 2004 |
Backstepping control for nonlinear systems with time delays and applications to chemical reactor systems C Hua, PX Liu, X Guan IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics 56 (9), 3723-3732, 2009 | 244 | 2009 |
Adaptive fuzzy output-feedback controller design for nonlinear time-delay systems with unknown control direction CC Hua, QG Wang, XP Guan IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 39 …, 2008 | 243 | 2008 |
Quality evaluation of image dehazing methods using synthetic hazy images X Min, G Zhai, K Gu, Y Zhu, J Zhou, G Guo, X Yang, X Guan, W Zhang IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 21 (9), 2319-2333, 2019 | 227 | 2019 |
Objective quality evaluation of dehazed images X Min, G Zhai, K Gu, X Yang, X Guan IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (8), 2879-2892, 2018 | 225 | 2018 |
Finite/fixed-time stabilization for nonlinear interconnected systems with dead-zone input C Hua, Y Li, X Guan IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (5), 2554-2560, 2016 | 222 | 2016 |
New results on stability analysis of neural networks with time-varying delays C Hua, C Long, X Guan Physics Letters A 352 (4-5), 335-340, 2006 | 215 | 2006 |
Effective urban traffic monitoring by vehicular sensor networks R Du, C Chen, B Yang, N Lu, X Guan, X Shen IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology 64 (1), 273-286, 2014 | 201 | 2014 |
Improving automatic detection of defects in castings by applying wavelet technique X Li, SK Tso, XP Guan, Q Huang IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 53 (6), 1927-1934, 2006 | 201 | 2006 |
A multimodal saliency model for videos with high audio-visual correspondence X Min, G Zhai, J Zhou, XP Zhang, X Yang, X Guan IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29, 3805-3819, 2020 | 193 | 2020 |
Adaptive fuzzy finite-time coordination control for networked nonlinear bilateral teleoperation system Y Yang, C Hua, X Guan IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 22 (3), 631-641, 2013 | 190 | 2013 |
Distributed optimal consensus filter for target tracking in heterogeneous sensor networks S Zhu, C Chen, W Li, B Yang, X Guan IEEE transactions on cybernetics 43 (6), 1963-1976, 2013 | 190 | 2013 |
A new particle swarm optimization algorithm with adaptive inertia weight based on Bayesian techniques L Zhang, Y Tang, C Hua, X Guan Applied Soft Computing 28, 138-149, 2015 | 187 | 2015 |
Robust controller design of a class of nonlinear time delay systems via backstepping method C Hua, G Feng, X Guan Automatica 44 (2), 567-573, 2008 | 186 | 2008 |
Robust output feedback tracking control for time-delay nonlinear systems using neural network C Hua, X Guan, P Shi IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18 (2), 495-505, 2007 | 180 | 2007 |
Distributed adaptive neural network output tracking of leader-following high-order stochastic nonlinear multiagent systems with unknown dead-zone input C Hua, L Zhang, X Guan IEEE transactions on cybernetics 47 (1), 177-185, 2015 | 179 | 2015 |
Output feedback stabilization for time-delay nonlinear interconnected systems using neural networks C Hua, X Guan IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 19 (4), 673-688, 2008 | 171 | 2008 |