Hongyinping Feng
Hongyinping Feng
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Cited by
Active disturbance rejection control: Old and new results
H Feng, BZ Guo
Annual Reviews in Control 44, 238-248, 2017
A new active disturbance rejection control to output feedback stabilization for a one-dimensional anti-stable wave equation with disturbance
H Feng, BZ Guo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (8), 3774-3787, 2016
New unknown input observer and output feedback stabilization for uncertain heat equation
H Feng, BZ Guo
Automatica 86, 1-10, 2017
Trajectory planning approach to output tracking for a 1-D wave equation
H Feng, BZ Guo, XH Wu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (5), 1841-1854, 2019
Output feedback stabilization of an unstable wave equation with general corrupted boundary observation
H Feng, BZ Guo
Automatica 50 (12), 3164-3172, 2014
Forecasting financial time series using a methodology based on autoregressive integrated moving average and Taylor expansion
G Zhang, X Zhang, H Feng
Expert Systems 33 (5), 501-516, 2016
Disturbance estimator based output feedback exponential stabilization for Euler–Bernoulli beam equation with boundary control
HC Zhou, H Feng
Automatica 91, 79-88, 2018
Observer design and exponential stabilization for wave equation in energy space by boundary displacement measurement only
H Feng, BZ Guo
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (3), 1438-1444, 2016
Performance output exponential tracking for a wave equation with a general boundary disturbance
X Zhang, H Feng, S Chai
Systems & Control Letters 98, 79-85, 2016
A tracking differentiator based on Taylor expansion
H Feng, S Li
Applied Mathematics Letters 26 (7), 735-740, 2013
Stabilization of one-dimensional wave equation with van der Pol type boundary condition
H Feng
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 54 (5), 2436-2449, 2016
Blow-up solutions for a nonlinear wave equation with boundary damping and interior source
H Feng, S Li, X Zhi
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 75 (4), 2273-2280, 2012
The stability for a one-dimensional wave equation with nonlinear uncertainty on the boundary
H Feng, S Li
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 89, 202-207, 2013
On stability equivalence between dynamic output feedback and static output feedback for a class of second order infinite-dimensional systems
H Feng, BZ Guo
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 53 (4), 1934-1955, 2015
Observers and disturbance rejection control for a heat equation
H Feng, CZ Xu, PF Yao
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (11), 4957-4964, 2020
Actuator dynamics compensation in stabilization of abstract linear systems
H Feng, XH Wu, BZ Guo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.11333, 2020
Distributed disturbance estimator and application to stabilization for multi-dimensional wave equation with corrupted boundary observation
H Feng, BZ Guo
Automatica 66, 25-33, 2016
Output tracking for a 1-d heat equation with non-collocated configurations
XH Wu, H Feng
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (6), 3299-3315, 2020
Boundary stabilization and observation of a weak unstable heat equation in a general multi-dimensional domain
H Feng, PH Lang, J Liu
Automatica 138, 110152, 2022
Output feedback stabilization for 1-D wave equation with variable coefficients and non-collocated observation
XH Wu, H Feng, BZ Guo
Systems & Control Letters 145, 104780, 2020
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Articles 1–20