Chunhua Wang
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Zitiert von
Environmental regulation, emissions and productivity: Evidence from Chinese COD-emitting manufacturers
C Wang, JJ Wu, B Zhang
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 92, 54-73, 2018
The effectiveness of China’s regional carbon market pilots in reducing firm emissions
J Cui, C Wang, J Zhang, Y Zheng
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (52), e2109912118, 2021
Decomposing energy productivity change: a distance function approach
C Wang
Energy 32 (8), 1326-1333, 2007
Changing energy intensity of economies in the world and its decomposition
C Wang
Energy Economics 40, 637-644, 2013
Sources of energy productivity growth and its distribution dynamics in China
C Wang
Resource and Energy Economics 33 (1), 279-292, 2011
Natural amenities, increasing returns and urban development
C Wang, JJ Wu
Journal of Economic Geography 11 (4), 687-707, 2011
The changes in coal intensity of electricity generation in Chinese coal-fired power plants
C Wang, X Cao, J Mao, P Qin
Energy Economics 80, 491-501, 2019
Is environmental regulation the answer to pollution problems in urbanizing economies?
JJ Wu, K Segerson, C Wang
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 117, 102754, 2023
Differential output growth across regions and carbon dioxide emissions: Evidence from US and China
C Wang
Energy 53, 230-236, 2013
Did natural disasters affect population density growth in US counties?
C Wang
The Annals of Regional Science 62, 21-46, 2019
Spatial dynamics of urban neighborhood quality of life
E Delmelle, JC Thill, C Wang
The Annals of Regional Science 56, 687-705, 2016
Tax incentives and environmental protection: evidence from China’s taxpayer-level data
J Mao, C Wang
China Finance and Economic Review 4, 1-30, 2016
Estimating the demand for public open space: Evidence from North Carolina municipalities
C Wang, JC Thill, RK Meentemeyer
Papers in Regional Science 91 (1), 219-233, 2012
Corporate responses to air quality regulation: Evidence from a regional environmental policy in China
J Mao, C Wang, H Yin
Regional Science and Urban Economics 98, 103851, 2023
Regulating land development in a natural disaster-prone area: The roles of building codes
C Wang
Resource and Energy Economics 36 (1), 209-228, 2014
The impact of air quality on innovation activities in China
J Cui, S Huang, C Wang
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 122, 102893, 2023
Carbon leakage within firm ownership networks: Evidence from China’s regional carbon market pilots
J Cui, C Wang, Z Wang, J Zhang, Y Zheng
A dynamic stochastic frontier production model with time-varying efficiency: comment
C Wang
Applied Economics Letters 14 (6), 415-417, 2007
Carbon leakage within firm ownership networks
J Cui, C Wang, Z Wang, J Zhang, Y Zheng
Available at SSRN 4514971, 2023
Housing and portfolio choice: Evidence from urban China
S Sun, C Wang, Y Zhang, D Li, C Wei
Cities 131, 104035, 2022
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