Hao Kuo-Chen
Hao Kuo-Chen
Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University
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Physical activity and sedentary leisure time and their associations with BMI, waist circumference, and percentage body fat in 0.5 million adults: the China Kadoorie Biobank study
H Du, D Bennett, L Li, G Whitlock, Y Guo, R Collins, J Chen, Z Bian, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 97 (3), 487-496, 2013
Mortality and recurrent vascular events after first incident stroke: a 9-year community-based study of 0· 5 million Chinese adults
Y Chen, N Wright, Y Guo, I Turnbull, C Kartsonaki, L Yang, Z Bian, P Pei, ...
The Lancet Global Health 8 (4), e580-e590, 2020
Adherence to healthy lifestyle and cardiovascular diseases in the Chinese population
J Lv, C Yu, Y Guo, Z Bian, L Yang, Y Chen, X Tang, W Zhang, Y Qian, ...
Journal of the American college of cardiology 69 (9), 1116-1125, 2017
Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study
J Lv, L Qi, C Yu, L Yang, Y Guo, Y Chen, Z Bian, D Sun, J Du, P Ge, ...
Bmj 351, 2015
Mutations in NMNAT1 cause Leber congenital amaurosis and identify a new disease pathway for retinal degeneration
RK Koenekoop, H Wang, J Majewski, X Wang, I Lopez, H Ren, Y Chen, ...
Nature genetics 44 (9), 1035-1039, 2012
Outdoor temperature, blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease mortality among 23 000 individuals with diagnosed cardiovascular diseases from China
L Yang, L Li, S Lewington, Y Guo, P Sherliker, Z Bian, R Collins, R Peto, ...
European heart journal 36 (19), 1178-1185, 2015
Age-specific association between blood pressure and vascular and non-vascular chronic diseases in 0· 5 million adults in China: a prospective cohort study
B Lacey, S Lewington, R Clarke, XL Kong, Y Chen, Y Guo, L Yang, ...
The Lancet Global Health 6 (6), e641-e649, 2018
Three‐dimensional P velocity structures of the lithosphere beneath Taiwan from the analysis of TAIGER and related seismic data sets
H Kuo‐Chen, FT Wu, SW Roecker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B6), 2012
The genetic architecture of depression in individuals of East Asian ancestry: a genome-wide association study
O Giannakopoulou, K Lin, X Meng, MH Su, PH Kuo, RE Peterson, ...
JAMA psychiatry 78 (11), 1258-1269, 2021
Breastfeeding and the risk of maternal cardiovascular disease: a prospective study of 300 000 Chinese women
SAE Peters, L Yang, Y Guo, Y Chen, Z Bian, J Du, J Yang, S Li, L Li, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 6 (6), e006081, 2017
Cooking fuels and risk of all-cause and cardiopulmonary mortality in urban China: a prospective cohort study
K Yu, J Lv, G Qiu, C Yu, Y Guo, Z Bian, L Yang, Y Chen, C Wang, A Pan, ...
The Lancet Global Health 8 (3), e430-e439, 2020
Adiposity and risk of ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke in 0· 5 million Chinese men and women: a prospective cohort study
Z Chen, A Iona, S Parish, Y Chen, Y Guo, F Bragg, L Yang, Z Bian, ...
The Lancet Global Health 6 (6), e630-e640, 2018
Tobacco smoking and risks of more than 470 diseases in China: a prospective cohort study
KH Chan, N Wright, D Xiao, Y Guo, Y Chen, H Du, L Yang, IY Millwood, ...
The Lancet Public Health 7 (12), e1014-e1026, 2022
Smoking and smoking cessation in relation to risk of diabetes in Chinese men and women: a 9-year prospective study of 0· 5 million people
X Liu, F Bragg, L Yang, C Kartsonaki, Y Guo, H Du, Z Bian, Y Chen, C Yu, ...
The Lancet Public Health 3 (4), e167-e176, 2018
Coseismic versus interseismic ground deformations, fault rupture inversion and segmentation revealed by 2003 Mw 6.8 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan
YM Wu, YG Chen, TC Shin, H Kuochen, CS Hou, JC Hu, CH Chang, ...
Geophysical research letters 33 (2), 2006
3‐D crustal shear‐wave velocity structure of the Taiwan Strait and Fujian, SE China, revealed by ambient noise tomography
Y Zhang, H Yao, HY Yang, HT Cai, H Fang, J Xu, X Jin, H Kuo‐Chen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (9), 8016-8031, 2018
Prenatal famine exposure, adulthood obesity patterns and risk of type 2 diabetes
R Meng, J Lv, C Yu, Y Guo, Z Bian, L Yang, Y Chen, H Zhang, X Chen, ...
International journal of epidemiology 47 (2), 399-408, 2018
Seismic structure in the southeastern China using teleseismic receiver functions
Q Li, R Gao, FT Wu, Y Guan, Z Ye, Q Liu, H Kuo-Chen, R He, W Li, ...
Tectonophysics 606, 24-35, 2013
Presence of Epstein‐Barr virus latent membrane protein 1 gene in the nasopharyngeal swabs from patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma
S Lin, N Tsang, S Kao, Y Hsieh, Y Chen, C Tsai, T Kuo, S Hao, I Chen, ...
Head & Neck: Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck …, 2001
Relocation of eastern Taiwan earthquakes and tectonic implications
H Kuochen, YM Wu, CH Chang, JC Hu, WS Chen
Terrestrial, 2004
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