Adam Fontecchio
Adam Fontecchio
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Drexel University
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Cited by
On the use of knitted antennas and inductively coupled RFID tags for wearable applications
D Patron, W Mongan, TP Kurzweg, A Fontecchio, G Dion, EK Anday, ...
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 10 (6), 1047-1057, 2016
Characterization of holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal transmission gratings
M Jazbinšek, I Drevenšek Olenik, M Zgonik, AK Fontecchio, GP Crawford
Journal of applied physics 90 (8), 3831-3837, 2001
Optically transparent conductive polymer RFID meandering dipole antenna
NJ Kirsch, NA Vacirca, EE Plowman, TP Kurzweg, AK Fontecchio, ...
2009 IEEE International Conference on RFID, 278-282, 2009
Magnetically assembled carbon nanotube tipped pipettes
JR Freedman, D Mattia, G Korneva, Y Gogotsi, G Friedman, ...
Applied Physics Letters 90 (10), 2007
Multiple gratings simultaneously formed in holographic polymer-dispersed liquid-crystal displays
CC Bowley, AK Fontecchio, GP Crawford, JJ Lin, L Li, S Faris
Applied Physics Letters 76 (5), 523-525, 2000
Computer aided instruction as a vehicle for problem solving: Scratch programming environment in the middle years classroom
Q Brown, W Mongan, D Kusic, E Garbarine, E Fromm, A Fontecchio
Retrieved September 22 (6.1), 1, 2013
Soft capacitive tactile sensing arrays fabricated via direct filament casting
B Li, Y Gao, A Fontecchio, Y Visell
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (7), 075009, 2016
Mutual capacitance of liquid conductors in deformable tactile sensing arrays
B Li, AK Fontecchio, Y Visell
Applied Physics Letters 108 (1), 2016
Electro‐Optic Investigations of H‐PDLCs: The Effect of Monomer Functionality on Display Performance
CC Bowley, AK Fontecchio, GP Crawford, H Yuan
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 30 (1), 958-961, 1999
Advances in holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal technology
CC Bowley, AK Fontecchio, JJ Lin, H Yuan, GP Crawford
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 559, 97, 1999
Holographically-formed polymer dispersed liquid crystals with multiple gratings
C Bowley, A Fontecchio, J Lin, G Crawford, S Faris, L Li
US Patent App. 10/395,824, 2004
Optical strain characteristics of holographically formed polymer-dispersed liquid crystal films
DR Cairns, CC Bowley, S Danworaphong, AK Fontecchio, GP Crawford, ...
Applied Physics Letters 77 (17), 2677-2679, 2000
Smart knitted fabrics
KR Dandekar, G Dion, AK Fontecchio, TP Kurzweg, D Patron, ...
US Patent App. 14/769,478, 2016
Temporally multiplexed holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals
J Qi, ME Sousa, AK Fontecchio, GP Crawford
Applied physics letters 82 (11), 1652-1654, 2003
Deuteron NMR study of molecular ordering in a holographic-polymer-dispersed liquid crystal
M Vilfan, B Zalar, AK Fontecchio, M Vilfan, MJ Escuti, GP Crawford, ...
Physical Review E 66 (2), 021710, 2002
On implementing an unconventional infant vital signs monitor with passive RFID tags
SA Vora, WM Mongan, EK Anday, KR Dandekar, G Dion, AK Fontecchio, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), 47-53, 2017
Transparent conformal polymer antennas for RFID and other wireless communications applications
AK Fontecchio, KR Dandekar, T Kurzweg
US Patent 8,922,435, 2014
Field controlled nematic-to-isotropic phase transition in liquid crystal–carbon nanotube composites
HJ Shah, AK Fontecchio, D Mattia, Y Gogotsi
Journal of applied physics 103 (6), 2008
Performance of transparent conductive polymer antennas in a MIMO ad-hoc network
NJ Kirsch, NA Vacirca, TP Kurzweg, AK Fontecchio, KR Dandekar
2010 IEEE 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2010
Structural transitions in holographic polymer-dispersed liquid crystals
I Drevenšek-Olenik, M Jazbinšek, ME Sousa, AK Fontecchio, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (5 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20