SooJean Han
SooJean Han
Assistant Professor, KAIST
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FaSTrack: A modular framework for fast and guaranteed safe motion planning
SL Herbert, M Chen, SJ Han, S Bansal, JF Fisac, CJ Tomlin
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1517-1522, 2017
Fastrack: a modular framework for real-time motion planning and guaranteed safe tracking
M Chen, SL Herbert, H Hu, Y Pu, JF Fisac, S Bansal, SJ Han, CJ Tomlin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (12), 5861-5876, 2021
Incremental nonlinear stability analysis of stochastic systems perturbed by Lévy noise
SJ Han, SJ Chung
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 32 (12), 7174-7201, 2022
System level synthesis via dynamic programming
SH Tseng, CA Alonso, SJ Han
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1718-1725, 2020
Trading throughput for freshness: Freshness-aware traffic engineering and in-network freshness control
S Tseng, S Han, A Wierman
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems …, 2023
Localized Learning of Robust Controllers for Networked Systems with Dynamic Topology
SJ Han
Learning for Dynamics and Control, 687-696, 2020
Predictive control of linear discrete-time Markovian jump systems by learning recurrent patterns
SJ Han, SJ Chung, JC Doyle
Automatica 156, 111197, 2023
Congestion control of vehicle traffic networks by learning structural and temporal patterns
SJ Han, SJ Chung, J Gustafson
Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference, 903-914, 2023
Control and State-Estimation of Jump Stochastic Systems by Learning Recurrent Spatiotemporal Patterns
SJ Han
California Institute of Technology, 2023
OUTformation: Distributed Data-Gathering with Feedback under Unknown Environment and Communication Delay Constraints
SJ Han, M Effros, RM Murray
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.06395, 2022
A Two-Part Controller Synthesis Approach for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Perturbed by L\'evy Noise Using Renewal Theory and HJB-Based Impulse Control
SJ Han, SJ Chung
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.10441, 2021
In-Network Freshness Control: Trading Throughput for Freshness.
SH Tseng, SJ Han, A Wierman
CoRR, 2021
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