Zixuan Liang (梁子璇)
Zixuan Liang (梁子璇)
Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology
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Distributed cooperative guidance for multiple missiles with fixed and switching communication topologies
Z Qilun, D Xiwang, Z Liang, BAI Chen, C Jian, REN Zhang
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 30 (4), 1570-1581, 2017
Distributed group cooperative guidance for multiple missiles with fixed and switching directed communication topologies
Q Zhao, X Dong, Z Liang, Z Ren
Nonlinear dynamics 90, 2507-2523, 2017
Lateral entry guidance with no-fly zone constraint
Z Liang, S Liu, Q Li, Z Ren
Aerospace science and technology 60, 39-47, 2017
Tentacle-based guidance for entry flight with no-fly zone constraint
Z Liang, Z Ren
journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 41 (4), 996-1005, 2018
Weapon-target assignment for multi-to-multi interception with grouping constraint
D Guo, Z Liang, P Jiang, X Dong, Q Li, Z Ren
IEEE Access 7, 34838-34849, 2019
Waypoint constrained guidance for entry vehicles
Z Liang, Q Li, Z Ren
Aerospace Science and Technology 52, 52-61, 2016
Barrier Lyapunov function based sliding mode control for Mars atmospheric entry trajectory tracking with input saturation constraint
J Long, S Zhu, P Cui, Z Liang
Aerospace Science and Technology 106, 106213, 2020
Trajectory planning for cooperative flight of two hypersonic entry vehicles
Z Liang, J Yu, Z Ren, Q Li
21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference …, 2017
Practical time‐varying formation tracking for high‐order nonlinear multiagent systems with multiple leaders based on the distributed disturbance observer
J Yu, X Dong, Z Liang, Q Li, Z Ren
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (9), 3258-3272, 2018
Decoupling trajectory tracking for gliding reentry vehicles
Z Liang, Z Ren, X Shao
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 2 (1), 115-120, 2015
Constrained predictor-corrector guidance via bank saturation avoidance for low L/D entry vehicles
Z Liang, S Zhu
Aerospace Science and Technology 109, 106448, 2021
Mars entry guidance based on an adaptive reference drag profile
Z Liang, G Duan, Z Ren
Advances in Space Research 60 (3), 692-701, 2017
Entry guidance with terminal approach angle constraint
Z Liang, J Long, S Zhu, R Xu
Aerospace Science and Technology 102, 105876, 2020
梁子璇, 任章
北京航空航天大学学报 39 (7), 853-857, 2013
Evolved atmospheric entry corridor with safety factor
Z Liang, Z Ren, Q Li
Acta Astronautica 143, 82-91, 2018
Decoupled three-dimensional entry trajectory planning based on maneuver coefficient
Z Liang, Z Ren, Q Li, J Chen
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2017
Predictive reentry guidance with aerodynamic parameter online correction
L Zixuan, R Zhang
Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 39 (7), 853-857, 2013
Onboard planning of constrained longitudinal trajectory for reusable launch vehicles in terminal area
Z Liang, Q Li, Z Ren
Advances in Space Research 57 (3), 742-753, 2016
Anti-collision zone division based hazard avoidance guidance for asteroid landing with constant thrust
S Zhu, H Yang, P Cui, R Xu, Z Liang
Acta Astronautica 190, 377-387, 2022
Virtual terminal–based adaptive predictor–corrector entry guidance
Z Liang, Q Li, Z Ren
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 30 (4), 04017013, 2017
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