Mark Zoback
Mark Zoback
Professor of Geophysics, Stanford University
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Reservoir geomechanics
MD Zoback
Cambridge university press, 2010
Fluid flow along potentially active faults in crystalline rock
CA Barton, MD Zoback, D Moos
Geology 23 (8), 683-686, 1995
Determination of stress orientation and magnitude in deep wells
MD Zoback, CA Barton, M Brudy, DA Castillo, T Finkbeiner, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 40 (7-8), 1049-1076, 2003
State of stress in the conterminous United States
ML Zoback, M Zoback
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 85 (B11), 6113-6156, 1980
New evidence on the state of stress of the San Andreas fault system
MD Zoback, ML Zoback, VS Mount, J Suppe, JP Eaton, JH Healy, ...
Science 238 (4830), 1105-1111, 1987
Well bore breakouts and in situ stress
MD Zoback, D Moos, L Mastin, RN Anderson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 90 (B7), 5523-5530, 1985
How faulting keeps the crust strong
J Townend, MD Zoback
Geology 28 (5), 399-402, 2000
Empirical relations between rock strength and physical properties in sedimentary rocks
C Chang, MD Zoback, A Khaksar
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51 (3-4), 223-237, 2006
Earthquake triggering and large-scale geologic storage of carbon dioxide
MD Zoback, SM Gorelick
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (26), 10164-10168, 2012
Global patterns of tectonic stress
ML Zoback, MD Zoback, J Adams, M Assumpcao, S Bell, EA Bergman, ...
Nature 341 (6240), 291-298, 1989
Mechanical properties of shale-gas reservoir rocks—Part 1: Static and dynamic elastic properties and anisotropy
H Sone, MD Zoback
Geophysics 78 (5), D381-D392, 2013
Adsorption of methane and carbon dioxide on gas shale and pure mineral samples
R Heller, M Zoback
Journal of unconventional oil and gas resources 8, 14-24, 2014
Empirical relationships among seismic velocity, effective pressure, porosity, and clay content in sandstone
D Eberhart-Phillips, DH Han, MD Zoback
Geophysics 54 (1), 82-89, 1989
The World Stress Map database release 2016: Crustal stress pattern across scales
O Heidbach, M Rajabi, X Cui, K Fuchs, B Müller, J Reinecker, K Reiter, ...
Tectonophysics 744, 484-498, 2018
Estimation of the complete stress tensor to 8 km depth in the KTB scientific drill holes: Implications for crustal strength
M Brudy, MD Zoback, K Fuchs, F Rummel, J Baumgärtner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8), 18453-18475, 1997
A statistical evaluation of intact rock failure criteria constrained by polyaxial test data for five different rocks
LB Colmenares, MD Zoback
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 39 (6), 695-729, 2002
Experimental investigation of matrix permeability of gas shales
R Heller, J Vermylen, M Zoback
AAPG bulletin 98 (5), 975-995, 2014
Utilization of observations of well bore failure to constrain the orientation and magnitude of crustal stresses: application to continental, Deep Sea Drilling Project, and …
D Moos, MD Zoback
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 95 (B6), 9305-9325, 1990
Injection‐induced earthquakes and crustal stress at 9 km depth at the KTB deep drilling site, Germany
MD Zoback, HP Harjes
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 102 (B8), 18477-18491, 1997
Tectonic stress field of the continental United States
ML Zoback, MD Zoback, LC Pakiser, WD Mooney
Geophysical framework of the continental United States 172, 523-539, 1989
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