Torgeir Nygård
Cited by
Cited by
RANGES V: an analysis system for biological location data
RE Kenward, KH Hodder
Natural Environment Research Council, 1996
Bottlenecked but long-lived: high genetic diversity retained in white-tailed eagles upon recovery from population decline
F Hailer, B Helander, AO Folkestad, SA Ganusevich, S Garstad, P Hauff, ...
Biology letters 2 (2), 316-319, 2006
Reduced breeding success in white-tailed eagles at Smøla windfarm, western Norway, is caused by mortality and displacement
EL Dahl, K Bevanger, T Nygård, E Røskaft, BG Stokke
Biological Conservation 145 (1), 79-85, 2012
Brominated flame retardants and other organobromines in Norwegian predatory bird eggs
D Herzke, U Berger, R Kallenborn, T Nygård, W Vetter
Chemosphere 61 (3), 441-449, 2005
Mitigating wind-turbine induced avian mortality: Sensory, aerodynamic and cognitive constraints and options
R May, O Reitan, K Bevanger, SH Lorentsen, T Nygård
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, 170-181, 2015
Paint it black: Efficacy of increased wind turbine rotor blade visibility to reduce avian fatalities
R May, T Nygård, U Falkdalen, J Åström, Ø Hamre, BG Stokke
Ecology and evolution 10 (16), 8927-8935, 2020
Perfluorinated and other persistent halogenated organic compounds in European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) and common eider (Somateria mollissima) from Norway: a suburban …
D Herzke, T Nygård, U Berger, S Huber, N Røv
Science of the Total Environment 408 (2), 340-348, 2009
How many routes lead to migration? Comparison of methods to assess and characterize migratory movements
F Cagnacci, S Focardi, A Ghisla, B Van Moorter, EH Merrill, E Gurarie, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (1), 54-68, 2016
Brominated and phosphorus flame retardants in white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla nestlings: bioaccumulation and associations with dietary proxies (δ13C, δ15N and δ34S)
I Eulaers, VLB Jaspers, DJ Halley, G Lepoint, T Nygård, R Pinxten, ...
Science of the Total Environment 478, 48-57, 2014
Metal dynamics in an Antarctic food chain
T Nygård, E Lie, N Røv, E Steinnes
Marine Pollution Bulletin 42 (7), 598-602, 2001
Organochlorines in egg samples from Norwegian birds of prey: congener-, isomer-and enantiomer specific considerations
D Herzke, R Kallenborn, T Nygård
Science of the total environment 291 (1-3), 59-71, 2002
Pre-and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind)
K Bevanger, F Berntsen, S Clausen, EL Dahl, Ø Flagstad, A Follestad, ...
A broad cocktail of environmental pollutants found in eggs of three seabird species from remote colonies in Norway
S Huber, NA Warner, T Nygård, M Remberger, M Harju, HT Uggerud, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 34 (6), 1296-1308, 2015
Raptor interactions with wind energy: case studies from around the world
RT Watson, PS Kolar, M Ferrer, T Nygård, N Johnston, WG Hunt, ...
Journal of Raptor Research 52 (1), 1-18, 2018
Spatial patterns of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in mosses, herbivores and a carnivore from the Norwegian terrestrial biota
E Mariussen, E Steinnes, K Breivik, T Nygård, M Schlabach, JA Kålås
Science of the Total Environment 404 (1), 162-170, 2008
Phylogeography of the white‐tailed eagle, a generalist with large dispersal capacity
F Hailer, B Helander, AO Folkestad, SA Ganusevich, S Garstad, P Hauff, ...
Journal of Biogeography 34 (7), 1193-1206, 2007
Collision risk in white-tailed eagles. Modelling collision risk using vantage point observations in Smøla wind-power plant
RF May, PA Lund, R Langston, EL Dahl, KM Bevanger, O Reitan, ...
NINA rapport, 2010
Spatial trends of polyfluorinated compounds in guillemot (Uria aalge) eggs from North-Western Europe
K Löfstrand, H Jörundsdóttir, G Tomy, J Svavarsson, P Weihe, T Nygård, ...
Chemosphere 72 (10), 1475-1480, 2008
A comparison of non-destructive sampling strategies to assess the exposure of white-tailed eagle nestlings (Haliaeetus albicilla) to persistent organic pollutants
I Eulaers, A Covaci, J Hofman, T Nygård, DJ Halley, R Pinxten, M Eens, ...
Science of the total environment 410, 258-265, 2011
Diastereomer-specific bioaccumulation of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) in a coastal food web, Western Norway
M Haukås, K Hylland, T Nygård, JA Berge, E Mariussen
Science of the total environment 408 (23), 5910-5916, 2010
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Articles 1–20