michael baines
michael baines
Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Reading, UK
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Numerical methods for fluid dynamics
KW Morton, MJ Baines
Academic Press, 1982
Resistance to the motion of a small sphere moving through a gas
MJ Baines, IP Williams, AS Asebiomo, RL Agacy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 130 (1), 63-74, 1965
Moving finite elements
MJ Baines
Oxford University Press, 1994
Adaptive method of lines
P Saucez, WE Schiesser
CRC Press, 2001
Analytic benchmark solutions for open-channel flows
I MacDonald, MJ Baines, NK Nichols, PG Samuels
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 123 (11), 1041-1045, 1997
A moving mesh finite element algorithm for the adaptive solution of time-dependent partial differential equations with moving boundaries
MJ Baines, ME Hubbard, PK Jimack
Applied Numerical Mathematics 54 (3-4), 450-469, 2005
Algorithms for advection and shock problems
PL Roe, MJ Baines
Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, 281-290, 1982
On withholding nutrition and hydration in the terminally ill: has palliative medicine gone too far? A reply.
RJ Dunlop, JE Ellershaw, MJ Baines, N Sykes, CM Saunders
Journal of medical ethics 21 (3), 141-143, 1995
Velocity-based moving mesh methods for nonlinear partial differential equations
MJ Baines, ME Hubbard, PK Jimack
Communications in Computational Physics 10 (3), 509-576, 2011
Numerical study of 2D heat transfer in a scraped surface heat exchanger
KH Sun, DL Pyle, AD Fitt, CP Please, MJ Baines, N Hall-Taylor
Computers & Fluids 33 (5-6), 869-880, 2004
Super viscosity and spectral approximations of nonlinear conservation laws
E Tadmor
Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics 4, 69-81, 1993
On the structure of the moving finite-element equations
AJ Wathen, MJ Baines
IMA journal of numerical analysis 5 (2), 161-182, 1985
Moving finite element methods for evolutionary problems. II. Applications
IW Johnson, AJ Wathen, MJ Baines
Journal of Computational Physics 79 (2), 270-297, 1988
Comparison of some steady state Saint-Venant solvers for some test problems with analytic solutions
I MacDonald, MJ Baines, NK Nichols, PG Samuels
Numerical analysis report 2, 95, 1995
Moving finite element methods for evolutionary problems. I. Theory
MJ Baines, AJ Wathen
Journal of Computational Physics 79 (2), 245-269, 1988
A finite difference moving mesh method based on conservation for moving boundary problems
TE Lee, MJ Baines, S Langdon
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 288, 1-17, 2015
Scale-invariant moving finite elements for nonlinear partial differential equations in two dimensions
MJ Baines, ME Hubbard, PK Jimack, AC Jones
Applied Numerical Mathematics 56 (2), 230-252, 2006
Variational data assimilation for parameter estimation: application to a simple morphodynamic model
PJ Smith, SL Dance, MJ Baines, NK Nichols, TR Scott
Ocean Dynamics 59, 697-708, 2009
Conservative multidimensional upwinding for the steady two-dimensional shallow water equations
ME Hubbard, MJ Baines
Journal of Computational Physics 138 (2), 419-448, 1997
Superfast nonlinear diffusion: capillary transport in particulate porous media
AV Lukyanov, MM Sushchikh, MJ Baines, TG Theofanous
Physical review letters 109 (21), 214501, 2012
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Articles 1–20