Sarah Ita Levitan
Sarah Ita Levitan
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Linguistic cues to deception and perceived deception in interview dialogues
SI Levitan, A Maredia, J Hirschberg
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2018
Detection of mental health from reddit via deep contextualized representations
ZP Jiang, SI Levitan, J Zomick, J Hirschberg
Proceedings of the 11th international workshop on health text mining and …, 2020
Automatic Identification of Gender from Speech
SI Levitan, T Mishra, S Bangalore
Speech Prosody, 2016
Hybrid Acoustic-Lexical Deep Learning Approach for Deception Detection.
G Mendels, SI Levitan, KZ Lee, J Hirschberg
Interspeech, 1472-1476, 2017
Cross-cultural production and detection of deception from speech
SI Levitan, G An, M Wang, G Mendels, J Hirschberg, M Levine, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on workshop on multimodal deception detection, 1-8, 2015
Linguistic analysis of schizophrenia in Reddit posts
J Zomick, SI Levitan, M Serper
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical …, 2019
Acoustic-prosodic and lexical cues to deception and trust: deciphering how people detect lies
X Chen, S Ita Levitan, M Levine, M Mandic, J Hirschberg
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 8, 199-214, 2020
Individual differences in acoustic-prosodic entrainment in spoken dialogue
A Weise, SI Levitan, J Hirschberg, R Levitan
Speech Communication 115, 78-87, 2019
Acoustic-Prosodic Indicators of Deception and Trust in Interview Dialogues.
SI Levitan, A Maredia, J Hirschberg
Interspeech, 416-420, 2018
Deep Personality Recognition for Deception Detection.
G An, SI Levitan, J Hirschberg, R Levitan
INTERSPEECH, 421-425, 2018
Identifying individual differences in gender, ethnicity, and personality from dialogue for deception detection
SI Levitan, Y Levitan, G An, M Levine, R Levitan, A Rosenberg, ...
Proceedings of the second workshop on computational approaches to deception …, 2016
Combining Acoustic-Prosodic, Lexical, and Phonotactic Features for Automatic Deception Detection.
SI Levitan, G An, M Ma, R Levitan, A Rosenberg, J Hirschberg
Interspeech, 2006-2010, 2016
Entrainment, dominance and alliance in supreme court hearings
Š Beňuš, A Gravano, R Levitan, SI Levitan, L Willson, J Hirschberg
Knowledge-Based Systems 71, 3-14, 2014
Automatically Classifying Self-Rated Personality Scores from Speech.
G An, SI Levitan, R Levitan, A Rosenberg, M Levine, J Hirschberg
Interspeech, 1412-1416, 2016
Individual differences in deception and deception detection
SI Levitan, M Levine, J Hirschberg, N Cestero, G An, A Rosenberg
COGNTIVE 2015, 63, 2015
Multimodal Deception Detection Using Automatically Extracted Acoustic, Visual, and Lexical Features.
J Zhang, SI Levitan, J Hirschberg
INTERSPEECH, 359-363, 2020
Detecting multilingual COVID-19 misinformation on social media via contextualized embeddings
S Panda, SI Levitan
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship …, 2021
Reducing medical errors using secure RFID technology
M Anshel, S Levitan
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 39 (2), 157-159, 2007
Acoustic-prosodic and lexical entrainment in deceptive dialogue
SI Levitan, J Xiang, J Hirschberg
Proc. 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 532-536, 2018
Guzhen An, Mandi Wang, Gideon Mendels, Julia Hirschberg, Michelle Levine, and Andrew Rosenberg. 2015. Cross-cultural production and detection of deception from speech
SI Levitan
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on Workshop on Multimodal Deception Detection …, 0
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Articles 1–20